The Year Is 2050!!!

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The year 2050 is going to be insane. Personally, what is even more insane is just how close the year is. Hearing the title “2050” makes you think that the year is far away and we have all the time in the world, however, it’s not. It’s only just about 25 years from now, and considering how quickly time flies these days, we really can be there within the blink of an eye.

That’s just how things are now. And thankfully, life goes on just as fast. Technology is growing at an exponential rate, things are evolving and mindsets are shifting almost at the snap of fingers. It’s so easy to become old school and if you’re not careful, you’ll be left in the dust while the rest of the world remains on the bullet train to the future.


So, when it comes to technology, I’m pretty sure that the evolution at the time will be top-notch, probably the definition of cutting edge. By these, I believe that this issue of solar energy will be a thing of the past. It would no longer be expensive and just about everyone will be able to afford it. This will also mean a major decrease in the demand for fuel because generators will become a thing of the past. Hell, in some areas like my country, even hydro generation of power will become a thing of the past.

After all, we already have a sun that beats down on us as if we’ve been cursed to be scorched by it, why not get the whole country powered by it? I see a future where the whole process of buying solar panels, batteries and the like will be made cheap and affordable. People will be able to install solar systems just as they can easily purchase generator systems.


Thankfully, it doesn’t stop here. Cars will also face a significant upgrade. The other day I made a post about cars and how soon we’ll have many of them running on batteries in the future. This is the future I’m talking about. I envision a time when all vehicles will be running on batteries, no matter how powerful the vehicles are. They will run on batteries and since they’re batteries, they can be charged by electricity. This will even help to clean up the pollution that has been rocked by crude oil.

And then, we have gadgets that will only get smarter with time, AI will definitely take over and will rule the world. Whether we’re ready for it or not. It’s also a future where Web3 will become mainstream. The blockchain will become a force to be reckoned with and with so many coins out, policing it might be a huge pain in the butt.

The only downside to all this is that in the area of ethics and morals, things will only get worse. The way people are loose now, it will get worse. Our fashion sense will worsen, the youth of the day will become even more free-spirited and it will be seen as normal. All the things people are fighting against will become mainstream by then and there will be logical reasons why they are mainstream. They will be accepted in places of worship and even in our schools, whether we like it or not.


There was a period when articles of clothing like mini-skirts and skimpy gowns weren’t accepted or even considered to be in the conversation. Now, it’s a whole new different topic. There was a period where people with shady sources of income kept their voices low and heads down, now they are even showing off their ill-gotten wealth and they have many people supporting them. It’s only going to get worse.

This and so many other things, but then, they all help to make the future something to look forward to. So, regardless of the downsides, there are still so many things to look forward to. Because as much as there will be so many terrible things wrong with the world then, there will be just as many awesome things right with the world as well. It all depends on how we get to look at it.

That’s how it’ll be for all of us.


Thank you for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below, I would love to know what you’re thinking. Till we meet in the next post.

This post is inspired by the second topic of this week which is In The Year 2050. Feel free to try it out.

N.B: All images used in this post are mine. The thumbnail was designed using Canva.

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