It's More Than A Must!

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Wow… a decree demanding that all healthy organs in the recently deceased must be donated to the sick in the country. On the surface, it seems like a pretty good ruling. One where the needs of the people are catered to after all, it’s for the benefit of the living, and the dead won’t be needing the organs anymore. It would greatly reduce the number of people who die due to organ failure and it would also make the surgical procedure more affordable. As we all know, once the government gets involved with certain things, they become cheaper for everyone.

In the grand scheme of things, organs will readily be available, patients won’t have to stay on long waiting lists for years, managing their disease when they can easily have access to the organs that can save their lives. So when you think about it, people will actually save more in the long run because waiting for an organ donor is just as expensive as actually going through with the surgery.


So for me, is this something that I’d be open to? Honestly, I really don’t see anything wrong with it. Things like respect, sacredness, and the like are for the living. The dead do not care what happens to them after they’re gone. We’re the ones who actually feel bad about what happens to the bodies of our loved ones who have passed on. The dead have no idea if they’re buried or not, they definitely wouldn’t be able to tell if they’re laid to rest with their complete body parts or not.

So, since I would have no need for it, then it can be used to keep the life of someone else intact. My kidney can go to replace someone who is suffering from kidney failure, my liver could also be given to someone with a dead liver. Maybe, I’ll finally be the air in someone’s lungs. Hehe…😂


The only time I’d frown on such a practice is when politics and nepotism comes into play. Instead of giving it to those who deserve it, doctors and government officials will start deciding who gets worse, or they make people jump through insane hoops just to get access to the organ. That will defeat the purpose of the decree and I would not want to be a part of that at all.

We all know that something like this can be easy to manipulate, those in power can easily bend things, using the law as their backing to work things in their favor. You’d be surprised that when the time comes, while there will be ready doctors and organs for the operation to commence, you’d find that flimsy things will be stopping the patients from getting the care that they deserve.


And then, we have the issue of cultural and religious beliefs. There are cultures and traditions that place a lot of belief or importance on their dead, and I believe that we have to respect that. The government has no right to tell you what to do with your body, whatever it is that you end up doing with it, it has to be your choice. Forcing people to go against their beliefs and traditions is a nice hot recipe for an uprising. No government would want that.

Is there a way to increase the number of voluntary donors from the recently deceased? The government can provide incentives. The families of the deceased who end up donating their organs will be rewarded in one way or another. It could be a monetary reward or something equally beneficial to them. That way, many people would feel more inclined to help out in the race, especially when they feel their family stands to gain from it.


But then, it also brings in the fact that some people will readily kill their family members simply to donate their organs and get the reward. What do I say to that? Omo… problem no dae finish! People are already getting killed for their insurance payouts and their inheritances, this will be tragic indeed. Knowing that a decree will only end up putting more lives in danger might force the government to rescind it.

So, in the end, I don’t really know. The all-knowing government should know best how to handle it. For me, as long as they do what they should and don’t use people’s organs for politicking, then I’m open to the idea. But tell me, when has the government ever not been interested in politicking?


Thank you for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below, I would love to know what you’re thinking. Till we meet in the next post.

This post is inspired by the second topic of this week which is Organ Donation Is A Must. Feel free to try it out.

N.B: All images used in this post are mine. The thumbnail was designed using Canva.

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