I Can't Be Replaced

It is a fact that robots are taking over the jobs humans do these days as a means of livelihood. I think we haven't seen any of it yet, this is not even a preamble to the things technology will bring to us and take away from us.
I saw a documentary of a rich guy whose bodyguard is a giant robot. It was really amazing. They stated the specifications of the robot and the truth Is that, the robot could do it better than the usual hefty bodyguards.


I also heard that robot's now do house chores these days and some people who can afford it may not need the services of a house keeper anymore. Just like in the movie "Tao" they do the cleaning better than any house keeper would.
It's also a fact now, that robots now do the jobs of humans in farms now like harvesting fruits, and vegetables, planting, packing and loading trucks. In the near future, I believe robots would be owned by anyone who could afford it and a number of people would have their jobs taken over by robots.

It's incredible and a robot can also do my job but not the way I do mine. Like I stated last week, I'm a teacher. My job involves teaching students in school, counselling students, helping them grow. I'm a local parent. Nurturing my students in school.

A robot may be able to teach a concept to the students but a robot would not have the emotional intelligence to detect when a student have an issue that he or she is battling with. Just like a case recently, where a child was doing the duties of an adult at home, washing, cleaning, cooking and taking care of her younger siblings because her mum was sick in the hospital. She started coming late to school and is lost in thought most times. A human could detect this and have a talk with the student to now what is wrong based on emotional intelligence.

A robot may not be able to reason or understand a child that is being verbally abused at home or a child going through child labour. robot may not have the compassion to detect a child that came to school on an empty stomach hungry without any plans of what to eat even when he gets home. A robot may not be able to fill the gap of a parent to a student in the school.

I believe my job is one of the very few that may not be taken over by robots in future because we deal with the life's of future leaders not money or furniture or crops. But if by any chance, it eventually happens that my job is being replaced by robots or AI, I may not be able to cope in such a world where my skill is obsolete. I would immediately look for something else to do, like learning That skill that has not been taken over by robots.

This is my response to Hive learners community weekly featured contents on the topic;Can A Robot Do It Better?
Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate you. I will love to know what you think about this post.

Yours truly, @aunty-tosinπŸ’•πŸ’•

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