Creative Sunday | Preparing Yam Porridge

Hello everyone, welcome to another episode of hive learner’s creative Sunday initiative. I’m Ashiru, today is my first time here, and I’ll be preparing yam porridge

Yam porridge or yam pottage is referred as yam stew. It’s also know as vegetables tables thick stew make with yam tuber simmered in a pepper mix mostly seasoned with crayfish and you can chooose to add any herb or leafy greens or vegetables of your choice like pumpkin, bitter leaves or kale. It’s eaten by most tribe in Nigeria. However it is more common in the Yoruba tribe parts of Nigeria. It’s very quick and easy to make.

If you love to eat yam, it’s must try recipe and isn’t just tasty. It’s loaded with healthy ingredients and a great way to add more nutrients to your diet


  1. Yam
  2. Onion
  3. Pepper and tomato
  4. Pumpkin leaves
  5. smoke fish
  6. Cray fish
  7. Palm oil


  1. Peel and cut the yam tuber from top to bottom into medium sizes. Wash the yam cubes and place in a one side make sure their is water inside the yam to avoid change of color

  2. Make sure you wash the onion and before cutting into tiny pieces. Grind or blend the pepper and tomato after washed. Then also set them aside

  3. Soak and remove the bones of your fish


Step1: put your dry and clean pot on fire. Then add a little quantity of palm oil on fire allow it to hot very well

Step 2: Add your cut onion inside the palm oil, this will give the palm oil taste and make the onion softly

Step 3: Then add your blended pepper and tomato and stir it, then add your salt and Maggi with small part of your cray fish stir everything together. Allow it to fry a little bit before add your water

Step 4: Add your yam inside the water into the mention that is on fire. Cover it and start cooking at the medium of high heat. All it to boiled very well for about 10 - 15 mins.

Step5: When your yam have got a good boil, add your pumpkin, crayfish and smoked fish. Stirred everything together.

Step 6: Allow it to boiled for about 5minutes. Then serve.

Yam porridge isn’t just a tasty. It’s loaded with healthy ingredients and a great way to add more nutrients to yam diet. It provide a high value of energy, it aid the digestion process, regulation of blood sugar, increase in body mass, they aid hormone control and balance.

Thank you!

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