Children who lost their identity

Years ago, I took care of a child I found on my doorstep while leaving my house. I took him and hugged him with pitying tenderness, wondering about his mother who left him in this place alone without mercy, so I handed him over to the security services to look into his matter.

Childhood is a word that carries many interesting and happy meanings. It is the world of life in itself. It is adorned and embellished with the most beautiful colors of life that bring joy, comfort and tranquility to every heart. Childhood fills the world with radiance in its own charm and the beauty of true and pure innocence, a childlike world filled with all kinds of optimism, pleasure and peace of mind.

It is about children that brings love and stability to families and forgets the torment and bitterness of the outside world through the pure smile and laughter of a child. Childhood is the hope of a clean, radiant life with love in a world that knows nothing but wars and destruction.

Childhood is that person with a heart and pure feelings, giving and taking without asking, laughing, crying, playing, wasting her rights without knowing anything, not knowing what surrounds her and what awaits her outside, a world dominated by interests, and the greed of black hearts seeking control On the other in various ways and means, even if it was involved in wars in which innocent blood was spilled.

Childhood is spring blooming and blooming in many colors, including white, brown, black and blond, did not know the rupture except at a time when economic and political interests became prevalent and panting to put their hand on the stone before humans. With the onset of spring, Children's Day is celebrated on March 20 of each year, as a symbol of life and a chant of spring that sings the melody of life. But every year this child grows up or is born due to the noise of wars and the ugliness of massacres committed against his family without guilt or knowing what is going on on the horizon of greedy nations.

Tragic Childhood

Wars made more and more afraid and everyday we see wars and we see threats to those kind and lovely children who do not want anything else but to rest and to play in safe place without missles above them.

Shells and missiles destroyed their homes, communities and schools. Undoubtedly, most people felt the pain, sadness and astonishment of the inhumane handling, as children, their pain, their lives and their futures were treated in such a brutal manner. All these disasters leave bad effects on the hearts of children, as they witness them and their horror with images that are etched in their memory.

And they will not be able to forget it for the rest of their lives, especially when they see vivid images that represent the ugliness of murder in the most severe form, and they will have a greater impact if the child’s dear or relative dies for a long time. If adults can withstand shocks with their pain and suffering, children, on the contrary, the horrors, calamities and traumas that accompany wars can destabilize the child's soul and security for life.

Some societies are living in a state of dehumanization, mercy, and morals, in which monsters are crammed into human bodies, and a person's path towards destruction is much easier than taking steps towards peace and safety. The blood of children has become very cheap in the eyes of a world in which consciences have become numb, and all human values ​​have collapsed. Living together with each other.. Enough wounds people, we want to live in peace.

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