Reflections on the thoughts of life

I want an answer, what does a stranded person do!? What does he do that he does not have enough of his day? What does a person who wishes to die do to escape the torment and cruelty of this life!? What does he do who asks the people near to them before the far away and begged from them and they did not give him, but rather humiliate him, insult him and insult again!? What do the oppressed, the helpless, and the perplexed do? What does a person do in this situation?!

Surely you will say patience I know that, and what about the one who was patient until he was tired of patience?? You will say work, so what about the one who perished in search of work and could not find it!? Ha what?! There is no answer, I know that, so there is no blame for those who resorted to suicide to escape this torment, or who resorted to stealing to save their lives and the lives of their children.

Please, stop lying and hypocrisy and an invitation to patience and action. What do you want from a person who sees others who are not mastered and who do nothing in this life except flattery, hypocrisy and lying, and who possesses everything he wants and more, while he possesses all the scientific, professional, intellectual and moral qualifications and then does not even find his daily food? !? What do you want him to do!? Does he invite that flatterer with more goodness and blessing!?

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Are we afraid of people? A question we ask when we are in the process of befriending someone. Our problem in all of our lives is that any unsuccessful friendship affects us for years and puts us many red lines and increases little by little until you choose loneliness and isolation.

Why don't we take it in reverse, and that every fake friendship gives me strength, new mechanisms, and ingredients to know how to choose a friend. Why are we always afraid of others? What can you lose? Yourself, your feelings, or your sentiments.

You are the only one who can change their criteria. Friendship with content and a good heart and based on creating traces that many do not know is that you love him more than yourself and show anything to him. From here, if you find this friend, never lose him. How to choose.

Many times we need a friend or girlfriend who speaks without standards of fluency without choosing words and he hears you and listens to you and in the end he does not reprimand you, but rather directs you to the right path or be silent because he knows when to listen and when to speak. about those close to you.

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Hive Learners : Learning Never Ends

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