Reviving the card culture.

Happy sunday Hivers!

5th of September since 1994 is celebrated as Teachers Day throughout the world. This day commemorates the role of teacher in influencing the society and depicts how important teacher is in nation-building. A teacher is the maker of nation because it sharpens the young brains and make them valuable citizen of the society.

The societies which pay special attention to teaching and highly repute teachers are more successful. Teacher is like a road who leads many passengers to their destination. A teacher is one who never grudges from the success of his student instead urges his student to bring tremendous changes in his life and society.

I was on leave from last few days because I was suffering an eye infection. Today I am feeling much better. Though teacher 's day was yesterday but I thought to make a small gift for my teacher today and offer her tomorrow.

My mother told me we used to give cards to our teachers. Cards on that time was very common and it was a beautiful gesture to show love for someone because your handwritten words make others realize about your feelings for them. So , I extracted the idea from it and made a Teachers day card.

Let me show you what I have made for her.

Material required:

White paper
Marker colour


First of all, I took a white paper and folded it from all its four sides.Then I cut the one side of the paper.

The next step was to make a border lining with the help of marker. I bordered on four sides of paper. And I cut the paper accordingly to that border.

After this, using pink colour I made heart on sides of paper outside the purple boundary.

Within the purple boundary, I made flowers using same pink colour. I used green colour to make leaves of flowers and it's stem.

In the last step , I wrote wishes for my beloved teachers on the card. And hence Teacher's Day card was ready.

This was my smallest contribution for my teacher. I will give this to her along with chocolates and flowers.

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