Prioritizing Home-Made Food Over Fast Food

Food is really important in human life and we can't do without it. There is a popular saying which says a hungry man is an angry man. This shows the importance of food in a man's daily life. Of all human daily expenses, I have discovered that food takes a larger percentage because it's something we can't do without. I'm a fan of food and I love good food. I emphasize the word "good" not just anyhow food.

Most times I do cook myself while once in a while I go for fast food. I really love cooking. Right from childhood, i was trained on how to prepare various dishes because my mum dislike the idea of going for fast foods. Personally, I love homemade food, it saves cost more than fast food.

I remember last year, I and a friend went to a restaurant to buy a plate of jollof rice, only to receive the shock of our life when they told us they charge per spoon. The spoon was small and it was highly expensive. At the end of the day, we could only buy two spoons each and can't even buy meat or fish because it was expensive. The funny thing was that after eating the food we started feeling hungry again. The food was too small but the price was expensive.The amount we used to buy the food can cook a pot of soup for three days. It was just as if we wasted our money that day.

Another reason why I prefer homemade food is because of my health and the level of hygiene. I noticed many of these fast foods use too much spice all just to make the food taste nice which is not healthy. Imagine a chef using countless numbers of seasoning cubes just to make a small portion of rice.

About three months ago, I tasted a food from a reputable restaurant, and at each bite, I could sense the taste of seasoning cube. It was as if I was eating a raw seasoning cube. So most times I prefer to do the cooking myself because I decide on what to add and not to add and I'm always conscious of my health while most restaurants don't care, all they are concerned about is making sales.

How about the state of hygiene? When you get to some restaurant kitchen, you will almost vomit because of how dirty the place is, but most times they deceive us with nice building and reception room. I once bought a food and ended up purging all through the day. It was a serious one that I couldn't step out of the room throughout the day.

All this and more are the reasons why I prefer homemade food to fast food. Irrespective of how busy my schedule is, I always prefer cooking myself rather than going for fast food, I believe it's a way of living a healthy life. Moreover, I'm a good cook and my food is always tasty and delicious... A trial will convince you😋😋😋.

All images are mine

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