Fruit use to be very cheap but now not affordable.

The world is full of fruits yet we are not fruitful. When we move around every where we see people selling fruits, but we hardly stop by to ask of the price because of the way things has turned in the society. Fruit use to be the cheapest thing we have around when I stay but now is no more affordable.


When I saw the prompt for week 102, edition 3, I started wondering how and which picture to use. In fact this is even the main reason why I am submitting my post this time. I took time to Brian storm. After thinking for a while and did not come up with anything that appeals to my heart to use as my picture, I decided to let it go. I just said - Gloria are you sure you will participate in this prompt? Well the answer now is yes because I finally came up with something very nice. I saw this beautiful picture while walking home from my husband's shop this evening and I decided to stop by and take a picture to use for my post. Here we go!


When we take a good look at fruit, we can only think of good things in our minds. But friends with the situation of things today I can really tell when last I went to the market just to get fruits for the family. All we talk about now is how to eat properly especially the kids. I know also that fruits too is very good for the children. Well in my case the children are already grown up. But that does not mean that I can't get fruits for them. This is what I love doing before now, but with the way food stuff is very expensive and is going higher by the day, when I see fruits in the market I just pretend that I don't know it's value. Yes I also know that it has alot of health benefits to us, even at that I still Walk pass it in the market.


The last time we took fruits in my house was during Christmas season when everyone was at home. My eldest child went to the market and spent over #10,000.00 just for the fruits that we will take after meals. I was not too happy with that because I know that two weeks from that time they will all begin to talk about going back to school and you know what that means. But with all that I said to make her stop buying it she still went to the market and bought everything. I actually enjoy it when they prepared it. Not just myself but everyone in the family was happy that she did prepared it for us. After she left no one talks about buying fruits again because they know that I won't listen to them. We are eight in my family, tell me how I will begin to prepare fruit salad for everyone. How much will I spend to get that done? All that concerns me is how much is a measure of rice or beans. Once I can buy that and prepare for my family the needed food, my job is done. If you truly want or need fruit then go get it for yourself. You can imagine that when anyone buys the fruit and brings home I will be the first to consume it. Hahahaha 🤣. Don't get it twisted, I am not stingy ohh! But I love good things.
All images belongs to me.

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