A Sunday to remember.

Sunday's are days when we have some rest from all the numerous activities of the week. But that is never so with people like myself. I do evy people who use their Sundays are days of rest. It doesn't work that way for me.


For this week's prompt I will be taking a little of your time to talk about my busy Sunday. Sometimes when I hear people say that Sunday is meant for rest I just laugh. I prefer week days to Sunday. I know that we don't go to work on Sunday, but for me I have series of activities lined up waiting for me every Sunday. First we start the day by going to church very early in the morning. My church service starts by 6 am and we come back sometime 8 am or 8:30 am. Then I usually go to the market to get food stuff for that day. Normally I get goat meat for our Sunday food. I prefer goat meat because of the flavor it gives to the food. The market is not too close so for me to get to the market and buy all the things that is needed I will take like an hour and half. Coming home will be by 10 am or there about. This is the real time that my cooking begins. Because I cook for either people it takes me like 3 hours to prepare the food because I will make white rice, boil beans and then prepare Stew. Considering the way things have become very expensive in the market I decided to cook with firewood most Sundays to reduce the expenditure for me. If I will use gas's cooker to cook all the food then it means that I use up to #3000 gas's for the cooking. But when I use firewood it will only cost me #500. So, you see that I decide to use the cheaper one to save cost.

For yesterday I finished cooking around 1 pm. Another serious thing that we do every Sunday takes place by 2 pm. We go to fellowship that starts by 2 pm and ends by 4pm. It means that there will be no rest for me between that 1 pm that I finished cooking and 2 pm that I will be going to the fellowship. We concluded the fellowship by 4:10 and I went straight to another fellowship of Igbo believers that kick start by 4 pm. That one too lasted till 6:30 pm and I already had someone who called.e earlier in the day that she wants to come and see me for something very serious that she wants us to discuss. When I got home I discovered that she has not yet arrived so I quickly eat food before she came. She came and we discussed at length. In fact it was at that time that I struggled to do one post last night. I even wanted to forget about the post but because I have already made my song and I don't want it to stay till today, so I had to manage and make the post in the night.

This is the very reason why I prefer work days to Sunday. If it were to be a work day, once I get back from work I will just go and rest. Sometimes I doy resting while watching a movie to help me relax. But thank God it all went fine and today after resting all through the night I am stronger today than yesterday because I have all day to rest by myself. I decided to take today as my off day because yesterday was too busy for me.

Thanks for coming around and I do wish us all a very blissful week ahead.

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