Time Changes and so do things change; the era of modernization

Greetings to all Hivians once again on this great platform, I am very excited to be back again to write and participate in this weeks' contest. I have been inactive for a while and this is because I currently started my internship and have been busy within the week but I will try to manage time so I can be sharing contents here. Well the topic for this week's contest is really interesting "who do you think has it better? We or our forefathers? And do you think we are in happier times than they were?".

I personally think that we have it better than they did. I know that it might be hard to believe but hear me out on this one. First of all, let's talk about our health. When you compare the health of people today versus people back then, people today are a lot healthier than they ever were before! Let's take cancer for example: back then there wasn't much you could do about it other than pray for a miracle (and if God didn't answer your prayers then…) well… you know what happened next. Nowadays however, there are so many different types of treatments available for cancer patients that even if God doesn't answer your prayers then there is still hope for survival.

I personally believe that we have it better than our forefathers did. We live longer lives, we have greater access to education, and we have a lot more opportunities than they did. However, I don't think that means that they were unhappy, they were probably just as content as we are today.

I think we have it better than our forefathers. I think we have it better because we live in a more modern world. In the past, people had to work hard just to survive, and they did not have a lot of luxuries. But nowadays, even if you work hard, you can still get a lot of things that will make your life easier.

Also, I believe that we are in happier times than they were because now people are more open-minded and accepting of other people's differences. This is not something that our ancestors could do because they were very traditional and conservative.

I think we have it better than our forefathers. For example, we have so many more ways to communicate and connect with people. We can send messages, make calls, send texts, and send emails. We can even send money through the internet. I don't think they had all these things to communicate with each other.

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I also think that we are living in happier times than them because there is so much less violence in our society than there was for them. They had to worry about being attacked by wild animals or getting killed by someone who wanted their land or food. We don't have to worry about those things any more.

I think we have it better than our forefathers. I mean, sure, their lives were simpler. They didn't have all these crazy gadgets and gizmos, but they also didn't have the internet or cell phones! And what about the fact that we can fly across the world in hours instead of months? I think we have it better because we can travel so much more quickly and easily, which means that we get to see more of the world and experience more cultures than anyone ever could before.

The world has changed a lot in the past 100 years. It's easy to think that our lives are worse than before. But, when you think about it, we live in an era of global communications. We have more high-tech gadgets than ever and we are able to travel the world faster than ever before.

The world is a big place, and unless you're very adventurous, you probably don't get to see much of it. But guess what? You can. Flying across the world used to take months, whereas now you can take off for Barcelona tomorrow! You can visit Spain, soak up some delicious tapas, and see the lovely architecture of Barcelona in just a couple of hours. Plus, if you're on a mission to explore every single continent on Earth, you can do it easily without breaking a sweat.

We take advantage of new technology every day. We have so many options now when it comes to communication and travel that it is almost as if we're living in a completely different world than people did a century ago.

Flying has gotten so much better since we were kids! It's so much faster and more reliable now. And it seems like we never have to leave home without a phone these days, so even if we get delayed or snarled in traffic, we can still keep in contact with the people that mean the most to us.

In my opinion, yes, I think we are living in happier times than our forefathers did because of all these things I mentioned above. Thank you all for your time and attention and also for stopping by.

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