Recent Trip to Dhari Devi Temple

Hello to all hive users 🙏❤️😊
Hope you all are healthy and doing great in your life🙂

There was a time when there was enough time to travel but there were no means and neither was there enough money to enjoy it well. Today there are means to travel and some money too but today there is no time at all. During school time we used to be a lot of friends and would make plans to travel together but at that time only one or two friends used to have a motorcycle and there were many who wanted to travel so in such a situation the plan had to be cancelled because there were only so many resources. Today almost all the friends have at least a two-wheeler but no one has time and some are here and some are there.
I have got such a job in which when you give me leave, the person reacts as if someone has asked for his kidney. I am working with a person who has a very bad mindset because he considers his employees only as money-making machines. It is difficult to work with such people because these are the people who take away your freedom. You all can understand how difficult it is to go on a trip somewhere in this type of job. There are two holidays in a week, so we planned to do a short trip during these two holidays. Well, it is difficult to complete a trip properly in 2 days, but we thought let's try it.

We were about eight people from the office and all of us were travelling by motorcycle. At first we thought of going by car but the weather was fine and it was raining at home so there was no chance of rain. We decided to go by bike. There were four motorcycles and everyone was driving the motorcycles by exchanging among themselves. We were going to an ancient temple which is about 200 kilometers away from our house. The state is the same but the district is different. The name of that temple was Dhari Devi. The specialty of Dhari Devi temple here is that it is built above water. You can see in the photo that here you will see the temple floating above the water but this happens when the river is above its water level and as the water decreases you can see its foundation. Now I will not tell you much about the temple because Google will tell you better than me and I have to tell you about our trip here.

We all had planned to leave early in the morning because we had to travel a long distance and also had to reach on time. It was decided by Jehovah that we would all meet at one place around 6:00 in the morning and then start our journey from there. On the first day, after coming from office, we packed our luggage and kept it at one place, then after eating food, we slept but you must have experienced that when you have to go somewhere, you do not get sleep on the first day. The same happened with me and I did not get sleep at all. I went to sleep at around 2:00 and woke up at 3:00. After that I could not sleep and then I got up at around 4:30 and got ready after taking bath and drinking tea. The rest of the friends came a little late and it was around 6:30 when we left. The weather was quite good and the sun had come out because it was summer and the sun rises early, so there was a lot of sunshine that day too but we had also taken some warm clothes with us because it is possible that it might get cold on the way.

First of all we stopped for breakfast after travelling about 70 kms. We ate parathas and chole for breakfast. I had a heavy breakfast because I might or might not get a chance to eat somewhere on the way. After breakfast we started travelling again and had gone quite far. The best thing I felt here was that the road here had changed a lot and a very smooth road was made, it seemed as if the road had been built. There were open mountains around and at many places the view was so beautiful that there were plain fields and green mountains were visible from the front, due to which the view here looked more captivating. I felt like clicking photos of every place but there was a shortage of time and it was not possible in the bike.

Then after riding the motorcycle for about 120 km, we took a small break and had some snacks and cold drinks. It was getting timely that it would pass as soon as it was over because we were very tired and the sun was also very strong. Then after about 20 minutes we again started our journey. Now the sun had become even stronger and the place we were going to was a completely lonely and deserted place and there was no house visible anywhere nearby. There were high mountains in front and a river flowing below but the fun of all this had faded in the sun. If we had stayed here till evening, I felt that this place would have been more beautiful in the evening.

Now we had entered a city and reached a very crowded area. There was a little difficulty in riding the bike here because the road was very narrow and there were too many vehicles. After going a little further, we were sitting somewhere and it was almost four in the evening and we still had to ride the bike for about 30 kilometers more. Now we did not have the courage to ride the bike and almost everyone was very tired. We decided that we will stay here today and will leave for the temple early tomorrow morning. We took a hotel nearby and after keeping all our luggage there, we immediately went to eat food. After eating food, we were feeling tired, so we slept early but were unable to sleep. He must have slept for about 1 hour during the day too.

We had to leave early the next day so we got up early in the morning and took bath and then everyone took bath one by one. We then arranged for tea and biscuits and started our journey again. We had to ride the bike for about 30 km and we left around 7:00 am. It was around 8:00 am when we reached there and there was a huge crowd as it was Sunday too so a lot of people had come. We parked the bike and bought prasad and other things for the temple and after that we stood in line for darshan in the temple. After about 1 hour our turn came and we prayed there properly and after coming back from there we started shopping at some local shops. We bought some photos and other things for our home.

It was almost 11 o'clock and we had started our journey back. We had to ride the bike for about 150 kms and we reached home on time in the evening. After riding the bike for about 50 kms, we sat down at a place and had breakfast and it was very hot that day so we did not feel like riding the bike at all. After having breakfast, we started again and this time we took a different route. We took this route because it was a little short and there is a difference of about 10 kms from here. Then we rested while riding the motorcycle on our way and ate some snacks and then again we moved towards our destination. Now we had ridden the motorcycle for about 150 kms and were really very tired, so we thought that now we should sit somewhere and rest for some time. Parking the vehicle on the upper road, we went a little down towards a forest and there was a clear area there, so we rested there for some time and this rest was very necessary because everyone's condition had become very bad. After taking rest, we started riding the motorcycle again and we must have travelled about 10 kms when suddenly the weather started turning bad and it started raining. We had brought a raincoat with us but we did not have the courage to open it and put it on her because it was raining lightly. We stopped at one place because the rain had started increasing more heavily and we wore the raincoat there. After wearing the raincoat, we must have travelled about 5 kms more and we saw that the rain had stopped completely and the sky was quite clear. It must have been around 5 pm at that time and we were very tired but the view there in the evening was quite captivating.

We sat down and had tea at a place and started our journey again. Around 10 kms were still left. By the time we reached home it was almost 7 o'clock and it was getting dark. We had a lot of fun in this trip but we were quite tired. Next time I would definitely like to go here but after taking some time so that we get a chance to rest. If we had three days, we would have enjoyed more but due to lack of time we had to bear so much fatigue.

Thanks for Reading till the end
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