Inferiority complex pushes a person back a long way.

Hello to all hive users 😊🙏❣️
Hope you all are healthy and doing great in your life 😊

There are many such people who have some kind of inferiority complex and it happens with people that this inferiority complex stays with them since childhood and later on it takes a bigger form. Often seen, some kind of fear remains in us since childhood and then it takes a bigger form later on. In today's time, it is rarely seen that today's parents take care of their children in every way and show them to an expert if there is even a slight problem. Many times I have seen that when children are small then they get scared of a particular victory and there the fear sits in some corner of their mind, then if that fear is not treated at the right time, it will lead to a lot more. Problems can arise, in such a situation, many times a person can also catch some terrible disease which is related to mental diseases.

Image by 愚木混株 Cdd20 from Pixabay

One day I went to my close relative's house, there was a small child, that child was repeatedly going out of the gate, his father sitting in front was repeatedly stopping him, then after some time When he was not agreeing there, his father put a sheet on his head and came through the back gate like a terrible ghost, then the child felt a little strange and was also a little scared. Saw the breath, he was quite a king, then after that the mother of that child told that child that do not go outside that gate, otherwise the ghost will take you away. I was sitting nearby watching this thing very carefully, then after that this thing came to my mind that now whenever the child goes near this gate, he will see the same ghost again and again and this fear in his mind He will sit somewhere and it may be that the fear here will not come out even after he grows up, but then I thought here that when the child grows up, he will understand things there.

While writing the post here, I remembered this story, so I shared it with you, now I tell you the relation of inferiority with the above story, as you saw there that a fear has sat in the mind of that child, Now, although this fear will go away from his mind after some time, when he will start to understand a little bit of worldliness, but many times in our life, some such incidents happen which sit in a corner of our mind. And whenever the incident happens again there, we become victims of inferiority complex.

If I talk about myself, I also have an inferiority complex in public speaking that still happens to me, and I also know for what reason it happens to me. In fact, when I was young, I used to have a little difficulty in speaking and whatever I used to speak, I used to speak in a strange way, because of which many times people used to make fun of me, then there was a fear in me that if I People would make fun of me if I spoke in front of them and then when I went to school and went to a slightly older class, I used to have trouble speaking there too. And the management of our school was nothing special, because of this, much attention was not given to me and many times when I used to speak in front of everyone, even there the children used to make fun of me, so slowly slowly I became inferior. The feeling started going away and the only fear in my mind was that if I speak in front of some people then people will make fun of me, so since then I have reduced speaking in front of people a lot and the biggest thing was that I paid more attention to this thing. No one gave and then the trouble kept on increasing here and till now I am the victim of this inferior complexity.

Although I found many remedies for this thing, but I could not succeed in doing any treatment completely because many problems came in between and then for some reason things did not work out.

Thanks for reading till the end 🙏
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