Harvest of Travel - Chapter 13 - A'mara Books




(Wirnday, cont.)

Irola – A’mara Complex

Peri Harmon eagerly met Julleon Dellan in the Complex. He led her to the library again and they got back to work cataloging all the A’mara success stories of the past few years. They’d go further back as they could.

“Here’s a woman we saved,” he said. “Her uncle was A’mara – a good man – died at the hands of the Neví some 8 years ago now. But the Neví discovered her and had her in their sights. The uncle’s former chola went out to solve the mystery. He ended up saving her life as well as that of her neighbor. He even married her. They have their first child now – as well as a new complex in Kasago. Her neighbor married another A’mara. They are now raising nuwa for our organization – which will reduce our travel expenses once we have enough of them again.”

“Wow. You really do so much good!” Peri said again. “Have you done anything yourself?”

“I’ve been involved in smoothing out arguments between organizations. I’ve helped run one of the community aid buildings in the Understory.”

“You feed the hungry and help the needy?” she asked.

“We volunteer in many aspects all over Irola. We save the government a lot of money, saving taxpayers a lot of money too.”

“How are you funded?”

“Mostly old investments. Many of our people invested money when they joined – if they joined as older people. Those investments are safe, but they help fund our organization. Sometimes, we get donations or physical help. Often, it’s simply by not wasting what we have – renting out extra spaces in our buildings, things like that. We are self-sustaining though – we don’t need government support except in the way of allowing us to operate.”

Peri was amazed. “You’re so different than I thought!”

“Julleon,” another voice called.

“Yes, Abári,” Julleon invited.

Peri turned to see the famous petite woman in the dark purple cloak with the gold fringe. The woman approached swiftly and looked at her.

“This is PC Peri Harmon. Peri, please meet Saraca Krijo,” Julleon introduced.

“Wow!” Peri said, shaking the woman’s hand.

“Peri is here learning all about us. We have already begun cataloging A’mara success stories. I figure that it will make good reading material for our students as well as prove to the common person how important our organization is,” Julleon explained.

“It’s a good idea,” Saraca replied. She looked meaningfully at Julleon. “Very well, she may stay.”

Peri wondered what had been said silently, but was grateful to be allowed to stay, realizing that she was about to hear something confidential.

“We have a possible situation in Atrua with their elections,” Saraca said.

“What sort of problems?”

“We thought, at first, that it was just the inconsistencies with their parties – they don’t align with the other parties as you might know. But now, we’re slightly worried that there may be some very bad sorts involved on the inside somewhere.”

“I could go, if you wanted,” Julleon volunteered.

“Unless you know Atruan, it’s of no use. Actually, we already have someone poised to go, but I can’t be seen to be involved. You know the political situation right now.” She looked at Peri again. “I wondered if you might contact Zilan again and see if they are in a position to go to Atrua to check on things.”

“I will contact him immediately.”

“Thank you. You could also contact Kivana to make sure her person is in place.”

“I will.”

“Thank you. I’m sure you understand, Peri, that what happens within these walls stays within these walls. I allowed you to stay because you have a good heart and genuinely wish to know the truth of our organization.”

“Thank you, Abári,” Peri replied.

“You may call me Saraca. Most of the A’mara do too,” the famous woman said with a smile.

Peri nodded.

The woman walked away.

“Zilan?” Julleon asked into the PCS link.


“This is Julleon Dellan.”

“Dellan? I seem to have one of your sisters or cousins with us right now. Celna?”

“Yes, she’s one of my sisters. How is she?”

“She is well, but she’s now associated with us, so we’ve taken her into our protection.”

“Thank you. Is she training?”

“She is thinking about it,” Zilan reported. “But you didn’t contact me to talk about your sister.”

“How long would it take you to get to Atrua?” Julleon asked.

“We are on the road already, but with caballus, we’re talking weeks, maybe a month or more.”

“I think that’s probably too long, unfortunately. There are concerns there.”

“Well, we’ll generally head that direction anyway,” Zilan promised. “If we can be of help when we get there, we will do just that.”

“Thanks. I guess that’s the best we can hope for.”

The communication disconnected, and Julleon started the next one.

“Kivana?” Julleon said, when it connected.

“Yes, Julleon.”

“Is your person in Atrua yet?”

“He’s packing right now. He’ll be on his way tomorrow. Has there been a development?”

“Not sure. Saraca seems to have increased her concern though. She’s afraid that the problems are with people inside.”

“I will let him know. Thanks, Julleon.”

Hailu, X’lea

Espera wondered what kind of trick would be needed to get her husband out of Cooldown. The minimum-security facility had been brought in shortly after the Hailu Riots in order to securely house offenders who were awaiting further measures – or just needed time to cool down. The idea had been so successful that similar ones had been implemented all over the world.

Both would remain there a couple of days to see if charges would be filed. If not, they would be released.

When she’d visited them in Cooldown, Tilo said that the man who he had attacked was one of those Iyan had been watching – and were therefore now out of Hailu – maybe out of X’lea completely. With the victim gone, there would be no charges against Tilo. In another day, he would be a free man again.

Iyan, on the other hand, might be more difficult. The manager of Ray’s Inn had filed charges for ‘threatened violence’ and ‘assault with poison.’

The Curator had confirmed that the group were indeed four Death Edicts including the infamous Zilan. No one seemed to know who the third man in the group was, but he already had people looking for information to work out that answer – with the expectation of sentencing another Death Edict when the identity of the third man was discovered.

With babies in the house, it wouldn’t be a small matter for her to pack up and start looking for the band of wanted men, but once Tilo was home, they could start looking.

Irola – A’mara Complex

Towards the end of the day, Peri felt she and Julleon had had a very productive day. He escorted her through the foyer into the outer vestibule.

“You’ve been such a good research partner,” she said, looking at his face. She leaned towards him and kissed his cheek.

“It’s been my pleasure,” he reassured. He caught her hand and pulled her closer. He pressed his lips to hers. Peri put her arms around his neck and encouraged his deepening of their kiss.

When they parted at last, she knew she couldn’t work with him again. Not if she valued her job.

She didn’t turn around as she left the Complex and walked back to the Parliament buildings, the tears streaming down her cheeks.


(to be continued - after Janys’ story )


NEXT CHAPTER - chapter 16, after some corrections were made to the story. :-)

Start over with chapter 1

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Other published stories related to this story... (all available in both digital and print formats.)

Maps and Guides

Map of Almara

Map of Balan

Map of Kranisis


Map of X'lea


Map of Atrua


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Please read my note on romance, teenage intimate relationships and underage sex. I apologize if my understanding conflicts with your sense of morality, but I'm only looking at things realistically, not ideologically. I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing!

Writing and artwork copyright myself 2005-2105 – all rights reserved.
If you are interested in helping me publish these works, please contact me on Facebook or Discord, viking-ventures#2883.

Lori Svensen
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photographer/graphic artist for Viking Visual
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