Harvest of Travel - Chapter 12 - A'mara Books




(Wirnday, very early)

Hailu, X’lea – Ray’s Inn

The faintest rays of daylight were showing outside. Although it was still very early, Celna couldn’t sleep now. She was certain she hadn’t had more than a few minutes of sleep all night. Instead, her night with Yavin had been spent talking and lovemaking. She loved being with him, loved everything she had learned about him. She wished she hadn’t been on the hormonals, she loved the idea of having his baby who would be a part of him – someone to love in his stead – someone to always remind her of him.

The more she learned, the more she was frightened for him, but the more she wanted him – always. She made plans to make herself indispensable to him, so she could insist on going with him – wherever that might be.

She was glad that Yavin was sleeping now, but she felt cold without his arm around her, despite the thin motel blankets. She snuggled closer.

“You need more?” he asked, lifting her leg over him.. “This works nicely.”

Celna could only moan her approval.

They had just finished when there was a tap at the door.

“Cover up!” he told her, making sure she had plenty of blanket to roll up in.

Celna pulled the blanket over herself, feeling confused. “Don’t I have time to dress?” she asked.

The door opened briefly, to let in the blue-haired man. His eyes indicated that he’d already assessed the situation. “Sorry, Yavin. I should have realized…,” he said. Then he grinned.

“I presume you have a reason to invade our privacy at such an ungodly hour, Zilan!” Yavin replied irritably. “You have your own, after all.”

The blue-haired man laughed. “Other than to watch you?” he asked with a grin. “No. I’m actually sorry to interrupt you. I’m also glad someone finally cured you.”

Yavin cleared his throat meaningfully.

“Actually, I came in because we’ve been discovered. I’m guessing that it was Tilo or his step-father who snitched on us. Even now, I’m sure the Curator is moving to send reinforcements here to apprehend us. We need to leave now. We can eat on the road.”

“I’m coming with you,” Celna said, looking at Yavin.

“You can’t! It could mean your death,” Yavin argued.

“Actually, if they know she’s spent the night with you, she’s in danger too.”

“I didn’t invite her,” he defended.

“But you accepted,” Zilan replied. “I highly doubt she forced you.”

Celna giggled. Then the gravity of things hit her fully. “What about my cousin? She looks just like me.”

“We can’t force her one way or another,” Zilan said. “But if she wishes to come, she may. Take only what you need, Celna. Yavin will help you, I’m sure. We leave within the hour.”

The man left as quickly as he came.

“I guess we’d better get dressed and pack,” Yavin said. “Are you sure about coming with us?”

“Yes. You can’t ask me to come, but I can insist you take me. You can’t offer me stability, but I can offer you everything I have. I gave you my virginity because I didn’t want you to leave Hailu without it.”

“I can hardly believe my ears, you wonderful woman! But we have no time for being romantic now,” he said kissing her.

Moments later, they were both dressed and Yavin had his stuff in his pack. “We will go to your apartment, just long enough for you to talk to your cousin and pack a few things. Zilan won’t leave without us, but neither may we be responsible for his danger.”

They reached her apartment.

Seri was already up and dressed. “Where were you?!” she cried, hugging her cousin.

“I couldn’t sleep,” Celna excused. She blushed.

Seri grinned.

“I’m going with him.”


“Right now,” Yavin said. “Someone let the wrong people know we are in town. We have to leave to avoid people dying.”

“Because I might have been seen staying with Yavin last night, they may be after me too now,” Celna said.

“What about me? People confuse us all the time,” Seri asked.

“You could come,” Yavin invited. “I can’t guarantee peace, but we are working together to stay alive.”

Celna filled a pack full of her most useful clothes and a pocket of her most precious jewelry. She looked around at her other belongings. She felt torn.

“It’s hard, isn’t it?” Yavin asked, hugging her.

“It is,” she admitted. “I don’t even know how to pack.”

“You have relatives to take care of everything else, right?” he affirmed.

“Yes. They won’t be super happy, but they’ll do it.”

“They want you to be happy, right?” he asked.

She nodded. Celna looked through the things in her bathroom cabinet. She grabbed the vitamins, the other things needed if she didn’t feel well. She looked at the hormonal supplement she had been taking. Maybe it was time to leave those behind again.

“Whatever you want,” Yavin encouraged, joining her. “No one in our group is going to complain if we add to the numbers, though we may need a second caballus.”

“What do you want, Yavin?” Celna asked. “I would marry you today, if that was what you wanted.”

“I would like that,” Yavin said. “Unfortunately, we won’t have time – maybe not for awhile.”

Celna put the tablets in the garbage can. “I’m ready,” she said.

They went back out to the living room.

Seri hugged her. “I’m not ready to make this leap,” she apologized.

“Will we have a PCS code?” Celna asked looking at Yavin.

“As long as we can,” Yavin said, giving it to Seri. “If you find things have changed and you want to join us, give me a buzz. We’ll work out how to have you catch up.”

Seri nodded.

“Tell everyone for me,” Celna said. “Don’t tell them everything, mind. Just that I’ve eloped, or something dramatic like that.”

“After that kiss yesterday, they’ll all believe it!”

Yavin’s PCS link buzzed. He looked at it, then picked up Celna’s pack. “We’ve got to go.”

“Bye!” Seri said, hugging her again, tears in her eyes.

“I’ll send you postcards here and there, okay?” Celna replied.

“If you hurt her, you’ll have me to contend with!” Seri threatened Yavin through a smile.

He hesitated, then gave her a hug as well. “Be careful.”

“You too!”

Iyan couldn’t believe that he had fallen asleep! Of all the foolishness! He’d never live this down with the Curator!

He crept out of his hoverbil and slunk down to the inn. He walked slowly past all the rooms. They had all been full the previous night. Maybe he could get a clue from their imprints now.

An empty room caught his attention. Then a second empty room.

“No,” he moaned.

A third empty room confirmed his worst fears. He’d let them slip away! Someone must have snitched. Maybe the manager had recovered already and told them.

“No!” he cried out, leaning his head against the door of the third empty room.

The click of a magna-cuff around his wrist caught his attention. “You have the right to remain silent,” the voice informed him as his other wrist was captured.

“I need my PCS call,” Iyan told him.

“You must be silent,” the man reminded him. “We can talk down at the station.”

Iyan nodded as he was forced into the back seat of a hoverbil.



Start over with chapter 1

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Other published stories related to this story... (all available in both digital and print formats.)

Maps and Guides

Map of Almara

Map of Balan

Map of Kranisis


Map of X'lea


Map of Atrua


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Please read my note on romance, teenage intimate relationships and underage sex. I apologize if my understanding conflicts with your sense of morality, but I'm only looking at things realistically, not ideologically. I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing!

Writing and artwork copyright myself 2005-2105 – all rights reserved.
If you are interested in helping me publish these works, please contact me on Facebook or Discord, viking-ventures#2883.

Lori Svensen
author/designer at A'mara Books
photographer/graphic artist for Viking Visual
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