Horses & Buggies / Streets of Cairo

Hail to the Hive!

I could honestly spend months photographing not only the historical sites but also the streets in Egypt. So much going on, such an array of different things hitting your senses all the time.


For me the challenge taking photos on the streets in Egypt is to take shots quickly, shooting from the hip at times as to stand still taking photos will always attract hawkers and as a standing target they will be upon you before you have clicked your second shot.


Its to be expected and there’s no point getting annoyed as it is what it is so just find ways to deal with it cooly and in a chilled fashion. I don’t dawdle, I spot a shot I want and quickly try and grab it but if I can’t get it quickly I let the moment pass rather than invite any unwanted attention.


Each passing moment offers up more and more opportunities so theres no need to panic, there will always be something. Cairo is a street photography dream.


Going through my shots recently I gathered up the horse and buggy shots taken over several days as I realised I hadn’t really used them as I had been focusing on Pyramids and camels but they deserve a bit of the spotlight.We rode camels but never took a ride in the buggies but they were an everyday site here in Giza.


They look like they belong here amongst all the chaos that is Cairo. Beautifully chaotic Cairo.



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