Scenes from a Bike - Edition 13.2 - Carlton Gardens - The Buildings

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Welcome to The 13th edition of the series - Scenes from a bike (Part 2)

This Edition facts:

Location: Carlton Gardens, these gardens have been formal gardens since 1868, in 1880 the Exhibition building was built for the world exhibition, and in 1999 the new museum was built in them as well. These two building are what we are focusing on today

Date & Weather: Sunday 6th of November - This is what I imagined when I bought the bike, that it would be sunny (but not too hot) and everything would be perfect - it's spring here, late spring, and it's just getting warm.

Equipment: I've gone simple today - My Fujifilm X-T3, and the 16-80mm Zoom - this is my go to when I don't know what I'll find - so adaptable.

The Concept & Finances: The concept is simple, I've bought an electric bike, on this bike I explore my hometown, Melbourne Australia and take photos, Priority 1 - Finding new places in Melbourne, Priority 2 - taking better photos, Bonus - Earn back the cost of the bike by creating content and getting paid for it on HIVE. The bike cost $1,100 USD. So far I've earned $75.68 from the previous 12 posts meaning I've paid for 7% of the bike and I have $1,024 to go. This is going to take some time, but this is all bonus money, the joy is in the taking of photos.

Other stuff: nothing really.....

Let's see what else I found

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This is it - the world heritage listed Royal Exhibition buildings, this is the 'main' entrance although there are entrances on at least three sides. - They have just opened a rooftop experience and bar which is up towards the middle dome.

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And from the back

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I'm probably not meant to admire the standalone fire hydrants around the building, but I think there is some beauty in this

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Now onto the more modern Melbourne Muesuem building - which is in the header above, and this photo is in two parts, the girl above followed by her brother and Mum behind. The swirly thing at the front is a bike rack - how there is nothing chained to it I'll never understand (My bike is chained to the rack at the other end of the building.

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More Moody textures, this is the end of the same stone seat, elevated walkway for kids, glass wall and steel panels as the previous pic, It's amazing what some underexposure and a bit of dehazing and clarity in the post production can do

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