Silent Snowy Sublime Sunday Shots

Silent Snowy Sublime Sunday Shots blog thumbnail.jpg


In a lot of ways, it doesn't feel like Christmas will be here in less than a week. However, Mother Nature decided it was high time she decorated for the holidays, so yesterday afternoon she started in with the fluffy white stuff & didn't stop until this morning. After our boy headed out to drive our youngest to work (with hubby riding shotgun just in case, since it a bit icy), I decided to wander around the yard and get some snowy Sublime Sunday shots.

I picked over two dozen of my favorites, then to narrow it down a bit further, I got rid of any that had stuff like our house, car, lawnchair - you know, non naturey things. I liked the vibe of just nature being all seasonal and such in the twenty four shots that were left

And usually when I'm going through the pics I plan to post, a sort of internal monologue starts rattling in my head, which is what typically becomes the photo captions. However today, nothing really popped in my brain other than, "Okay, totally not ready for winter weather yet, but this is actually kind of pretty and makes me happy." Rather than using that for all the captions, I figured I'd actually shush this time around and just leave it at numbers (in case someone has a question about a particular shot). Hence the "silent" part of the blog title. 😊

Before I get started, a quick shout out to say, be sure to check out the creator of the #SublimeSunday tag (@c0ff33a) and his latest post 🙌🏽Sublime Sunday🙌🏽 An excuse to post your random, creative or crazy ideas by - @c0ff33a ☕️ for more information about how to participate.

Oh, and my usual spiel before I get to the photos - these were taken in the yard of my Durham, NH home with my Nikon, also using my tripod. All were resized, then cleaned up a bit with PicMonkey - today was just adjustments to the exposure and sharpness.

Now here are my snowy shots, in the order I took them around 9am this morning...

Silent Snowy Sublime Sunday Shots

1. Sublime Sunday Snow.jpg1.
2. Sublime Sunday Snow.jpg2.
3. Sublime Sunday Snow.jpg3.
4. Sublime Sunday Snow.jpg4.
5. Sublime Sunday Snow.jpg5.
6. Sublime Sunday Snow.jpg6.
7. Sublime Sunday Snow.jpg7.
8. Sublime Sunday Snow.jpg8.
9. Sublime Sunday Snow.jpg9.
10. Sublime Sunday Snow.jpg10.
11. Sublime Sunday Snow.jpg11.
12. Sublime Sunday Snow.jpg12.
13. Sublime Sunday Snow.jpg13.
14. Sublime Sunday Snow.jpg14.
15. Sublime Sunday Snow.jpg15.
16. Sublime Sunday Snow.jpg16.
17. Sublime Sunday Snow.jpg17.
18. Sublime Sunday Snow.jpg18.
19. Sublime Sunday Snow.jpg19.
20. Sublime Sunday Snow.jpg20.
21. Sublime Sunday Snow.jpg21.
22. Sublime Sunday Snow.jpg22.
23. Sublime Sunday Snow.jpg23.
24. Sublime Sunday Snow.jpg24.


Hope you enjoyed my snowy Sublime Sunday shots!


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My posts may occasionally contain affiliate links. If you click through,
I might get a wicked small commission, with no extra cost to you.

My photographs are taken with my trusty Nikon,
sometimes utilizing my handy dandy tripod.
Blog graphics created on Canva

All words and images are mine (unless otherwise indicated),
and can also be found on my various social media sites.

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