We pushed our Holy Adventure to U.I this Sublime Sunday.


My publications to the Sublime Sunday Community is slowly becoming one of the posts I look forward to writing each week. It's a post that serves as the closure to an old week and the preparation for a new week.

I enjoy writing that, especially on Sundays that are well spent and a "well spent Sunday" for me is often a Sunday I kick off with Mass celebration. Today is one of those Sundays. This is also the last Sunday I will be celebrating with my sister who came to visit me from the Southeastern part of Nigeria.

For each Sunday in the 3 Sundays we spent in this her visitation, we decided to visit 3 different Catholic Churches. The first one was a Catholic Church in Lagos, last week's Sunday was my Parish in Ibadan and for this week, we decided to push the holy adventure to the Catholic Chapel at the University of Ibadan.

I live just 5 minutes away from U.I. school gate and we planned to attend the 8.25am Mass.

Going late was never an option because we had enough time to get set this morning before stepping out to church. We left early enough. So, when we got to the school gate, we decided to walk down to the Church which is 10 minutes away from the school gate. This wasn't a big deal. 10 minutes went by in a flash because my sister was soaked in with the excitement of walking into the school premises for the very first time.


We got to the Church when the 6:30am mass was still on. We used the early bird advantage we had to relax our minds and get ready for the beginning of our Mass celebration. Things kicked off in due time and in the Priest's usual fashion, the homily was insightful, enlightening, and reaffirming.

The Choir outdid themselves with their performance in today's Mass. I usually can't hide my excitement whenever I'm in a church where the choir is doing a good job. I enjoyed every minute of their performance.

After the mass celebration, my sister who's a picture freak turned me to her photographer. Lol. I wasn't paid for the photography gig but I still gave her nice shots. The memories captured in each of those pictures will surely be memorable to her and to my family as a whole.

Before going to Church, we already had our meal planned for the day. We had some stuff in the freezer which just has to be heated up as breakie when we get back from church. The plan changed immediately after we spotted a vendor selling Okpa at the exit from our church premises. We bought Okpa and used that for breakie. One of the meals in my freezer was served as lunch. For tonight, we will fry Noodles and wrap up this Sublime Sunday.

For the record, Okpa is a meal that's native to our hometown in the Southwestern part of Nigeria. Coming across that meal when we are far from home gave us an irresistible appetite. Hehe.

Thanks For Not Missing Any Full-stop or Comma.
All pictures are mine, taken with my phone camera.

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