So much Sublime Fun!!!

Yesterday, I gave you the details on how to participate in the Dreemer of the Year Event. But... today I'll tell you what you're competing for!

Each event will be given a point value, based on the difficulty of the task. For example - there are 3 posts that you will need to write (one per week) during the Event. Each of those posts will be valued at 250 points.

Being the first to find the secret word on a DreemPort tip video (on our Youtube channel) is obviously a race to the answer! Since only ONE can win - that would be a valuable prize at 75 points.

Some things are an endurance test - like - did you curate on DreemPort for all 5 days of the first leg of the Event? Yes? Then you get 100 points. Missed a day? Sorry - each week for the endurance events is all or nothing! But you can try again the following week!

Some things are a group challenge - like the Ecency Daily Leaderboard. I took this image earlier today - but as you can see - if today was the first day of the challenge - then all of the dreemers in the mix would be earning points for that day!

If you look at that list hmmmm I'm seeing 3 dreemers in there who would be getting 25 points each!

That isn't enough for winning the Event - but, if you add that TO the other tasks you're doing - that might be enough to put you in the lead!!

Every task matters, every bit of engagement helps, every curation pushes you further, every post submitted makes a difference!

Remember - I'll be taking a snapshot of the Ecency board everyday around noon! That we can stay consistent! And you can always try again the next day to get those points! :)

So, if I compete all month - but I don't win - what happens next?

Good question!

Hands down, the Dreemer of the Year prize - is DEFINITELY the best!!! but - if you don't win, all those points don't get thrown away!

At the end of the competition, I will count up all the points and divide them into 10 levels. If you earn 5 levels of points, you get 5 choices from the prize pool. If you earn 7 levels of points, you get 7 choices. The prize pool will be run LIVE so that everyone can choose together. Once a prize is chosen, it will be taken out of the mix, and the remaining prizes can be won from there - until everyone has used up all their chances!

SOUNDS GREAT! Everyone has chances to win things!! but... what does the Dreemer of the Year get?

Dreemer of the Year

  • 1000 Dreem tokens
  • 50 HBD
  • 2500 Ecency points
  • 25 HSBI
  • 1000 HP delegation for your year as Dreemer of the Year
  • Dreemer Sash & Crown profile frame
  • Featured Post on DreemPort (one per month, running for one week each) Also, you can announce a bounty on each of your Featured Posts stating that DreemPort will randomly choose one of your commenters to earn 5 HSBI! That should be a nice boost for your engagement!)
  • 4 packs of DreeMerge cards (5 in each pack)
  • Ability to submit a friend's post into DreemPort, once per week.
  • Interview on an upcoming podcast

No matter if you win or not... we hope that this last month of 2022 will be filled with fun, laughter, and joy! Thank you for always making DreemPort a special place and thanks for dreeming with us!!!

LEADERBOARD (as of November 27)


Every single person has earned their 25 points - so it is a tie so far! hehe If any of you want to pull out in front, feel free to start earning those promotion points and redeeming them HERE ON THIS SURVEY for 5 points each!

Thanks to @shadowspub, @jamerussell, @penderis, @bluefinstudios, @kenechukwu97, @kemmyb, @wesphilbin, @mypathtofire, @melinda010100, @samsmith1971 and @dreemsteem for making the @dreemport voting power go farther! ❤️

Images used:
Social media balls
Cover image created by my prompts in Midjourney.

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