Looking For Coffee In Daikanyama And Found Urth

This would be my very first post in this community. I was so hesitant to share my coffeescapades because I thought this community won’t accept me, who could not drink the bitter black coffee. πŸ˜…

Today I went to see the doctor for my foot and back pain. After she examined me, I was advised to take the rehabilitation an hour later. That would mean I either stay in the clinic doing nothing for an hour or go have coffee outside. I chose the latter. After all, I’ve been only to this neighborhood once and I saw an interesting coffee shop while walking to the clinic earlier.

The sports clinic I went to

I was in Daikanyama, the stylish neighborhood in Tokyo. People here love to shop and for sure, they love to take their breaks too. Where else but in a coffee shop.

Alley in Daikanyama

The coffee shop I spotted earlier was a little bit hidden from the main road. Actually what I saw was their poster which contained a sweet coffee. Too bad there were many people waiting in line when I arrived at the front door.

I went to another one, which also seemed stylish. The building design kinda caught my attention, and I wonder if this building is really with no paint. It seems like the trend nowadays. I didn't come here first even though this one's the closest to the clinic and there was a vacant seat outside. I was afraid they might only have the black coffee. I'm not yet ready to drink bitter ones! πŸ˜…

Coffee shop building

I came at the wrong time. I should have made this the first choice. Now when I came back, all seats were taken. What a timing.

I was left with no choice but to go to the coffee shop I knew. For sure, it's not crowded there.

Urth Caffe

It's not my first time to come to Urth Caffe. In fact, it's my 2nd time here. I met my friend here when I first came to this neighborhood, which I actually mentioned in this post. I didn't highlight the details of the coffee shop because I didn't order at that time. So coming here today means it's actually my first time to try their drinks.

What should I have?

I couldn't decide between having a tea or a coffee, and iced coffee or a smoothie. It's my turn to order now and out of panic, I quickly blurted out cafe mocha, iced. Yesss to sweet coffee! πŸ˜‚

To my surprise, the attendant asked me what my seat number was but I didn't reserved a seat. My eyes scanned inside the coffee shop but couldn't find any vacant seats so I told her I'd just sit outside. I wanted to sit inside though, I needed the aircon. It's still summer in Japan, which means it's too humid outside, I would melt.

Sitting outside

I thought I would regret sitting outside but then I didn't. The chairs were nice, actually, it's for groups but I was alone. πŸ˜… Inside, the seats were normal. Outside there were no prying eyes so I could take photos and do my thing. Luckily, I didn't melt from the heat because that afternoon was a little bit windy.

My cafe mocha

My cafe mocha was not too sweet, but not too bitter too. It's chocolatey but not the super sweet kind. I mean, it's just the right amount of sweetness. Perfect.

Looks normal, taste normal

I usually go to coffee shops alone. It's kinda my me time. I would work something on my laptop while sipping coffee but Urth Caffe isn't built for that. It's not designed for working people. But if you're with groups, catching up with friends, I think this coffee shop would be perfect.

The classic pancakes

My food order came a little bit late so I had to munch on it super fast. Remember I only got an hour break before my physical therapy starts. I ordered their classic pancake. There were 3 big but not so thick pancakes that came with maple syrup. It's not too fancy to look at, and the powdered sugar wasn't perfectly spread all over the pancakes. I had to pour a huge amount of maple syrup to make it sweeter. Or wait, was it because of the cafe mocha?! Anyway, I hope I'm wrong, that the pancakes were actually flavorful, or else I won't be ordering them again, and not recommending them to others as well. My pancakes at home were better. (LOL I'm so arrogant)

Overall, my experience in Urth Caffe wasn't that exceptional except that it was such a nice day that sitting outside was unexpectedly a good decision. I would still go back next time if there's a chance. Maybe I'll have their tea or smoothies next time.

Thanks for reading!
See you around! γ˜γ‚ƒγ‚γ€γΎγŸγ­οΌ

With love,

All photos are taken using my phone unless stated otherwise.

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