Here it will rain coffee?

Mr. Ed came by first thing in the morning looking for me, we were going to the warehouse where he has kept a lot of items for over 30 years. We had planned to have a garage sale and would make a selection of what would be offered for sale. I noticed how for some time now Mr. Ed, almost 90 years old, looked more rejuvenated and energetic every day.

It was an overwhelming mountain of objects that seemed to have no beginning and no end, I was about to make an excuse and slip away, but Mr. Ed seemed to have noticed my intentions. He went to his car and brought a thermos, uncapped it and invited me to take a sniff. I sighed, Mr. Ed sure knows how to convince me.

It was delicious coffee, quite strong and slightly sweet, piping hot just the way I like it. After a few sips, I had enough energy to begin that titanic task.

A trio of wooden vases caught my attention, I stretched my legs as far as I could looking for small empty spaces to step on and managed to reach them. The two smaller ones only had threads, knitting needles and several kilos of dust, probably many insects too, which fortunately I did not see.

When I illuminated the biggest vase, I was surprised that it looked quite clean inside. I approached my face towards the big opening and I felt that a very hot hand squeezed it tightly, my nose was so squashed that I could hardly breathe, I was totally paralyzed although my heart was beating with the haste of a galloping horse.

I went into a kind of spiral and when I could move I was in a what looked like a coffee shop, the strange thing was that people were consuming water.

I was sitting at a table for 2, with 2 cups of warm water poured as if waiting for someone. It wasn't a dream, I could remember the sequence of events that led me to that place, in dreams that just doesn't happen, I know that very well because I have been training my mind for years to have lucid dreams.

Suddenly a girl with skin so lush and smooth that it looked like she had implanted baby skin, sat down at the table where I was and told me it was strange that I had let my water cool, because I always drank it very hot, I began to see in detail around me and noticed that everyone had beautiful and jovial skin and silky brown hair, long and abundant eyelashes and they all wore brown clothes.

"Woman, what's wrong with you? You look like you're in another world. Besides, what did you do to your eyelashes? Did you cut them? And your hair looks dull and brittle and you have some spots on the skin of your face. That's not good at all. Go to the bathroom so you can wash your face and wake up." She told me.

I tried to disguise my bewilderment with a nervous, forced smile. "To the bathroom? Good idea, where is it?"

"Oh, no woman, you're scaring me already. Go wash your face and then let's go to the doctor, you don't look like you."

I got up on shaky legs and approached the bar. I watched as they used a silver-colored powder to turn coffee into water.

And does that girl really know me? or is it that there are several of me in different parallel universes? I'm definitely freaking out, this has no explanation for me, I thought.

I was trying to keep my composure and sanity but I was really desperate. I asked a guy at the bar where the bathroom was and he waved me over to where I should go.

I ran to the faucet and it had 3 buttons: hot, cold and warm.

I pressed the cold button and a coffee came out as if it had been taken out of the refrigerator. I played with the rest of the buttons and coffee kept coming out at different temperatures.

Source- Edited in canva

I filled the thermos that Mr. Ed gave me with hot coffee, I still had it with me, nothing could be explained, even so I decided to try that coffee because it smelled delicious and it was really the best idea at that moment, for an instant I felt that my soul came back to my body, life wanted to play with me so I decided to play along.

I washed my face with that cold coffee that came out of the faucet and I guessed that was the reason why everyone had such lush skin and lush, silky hair and eyelashes. Surely coffee was coming out of the showers too and that's why everyone seemed so energetic, it didn't seem so bad after all, or is it? How much the water will cost?

I made many hypotheses in my mind, I thought that the rivers and springs would be coffee, and the rain? Will it rain coffee?

I am very curious to explore this world, I want to stay for a while and live this experience, though not too much because I don't want to end up hating coffee. Maybe, later, I can have the answer in a dream or I can find a new portal for me to come back.

The answer in a dream? Will it be possible to sleep in this world of coffee?

I came out of the bathroom and the place was very lively, they played music and many were dancing. A rather energetic gentleman asked me to dance.

"Mr. Ed, is that you?"

-He winked at me- "Relax, enjoy,I know how to get back".

This is a fictional story for #STB COFFEE PROMPT (WEEK 54).

The first 2 pictures belong to me and were edited with Photoroom and Canva.

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