how to make ginger coffee drink

Hello Cinnamon Cup Coffee, today the air in my area is cold, that's why I will make a warm drink to ward off the cold and warm the body. A cup of hot coffee seems to help warm the body. Coffee is one type of drink that is much favored by the world's population, the sensation of the bitter taste of black coffee is believed to reduce drowsiness, therefore coffee drinks are consumed by many workers who intend to work overtime.


In addition, black coffee fans believe that the caffeine compounds contained in coffee can help maintain heart health and increase morale, therefore although it tastes bitter when drinking coffee without it, many also drink it.


The number of coffee fans around the world makes coffee experts create special coffee drinks in several countries, there are several types of coffee that are characteristic of certain countries, such as civet coffee from Indonesia. In Indonesia itself, there are many types of coffee scattered in various regions/provinces, each province has a type of coffee that is a mainstay, such as Gayo Arabica coffee from Aceh province, Toraja coffee from eastern Indonesia, Lampung Robusta coffee from Lampung, North Sumatra and many more again typical Indonesian coffee.


In addition to black coffee, coffee is also made into several combinations of drinks with various purposes, such as for health purposes, creating various flavored coffee drinks and there are also those who just want to enjoy the sensation of coffee with a fruity taste. one type of coffee drink combination is ginger coffee, as the name suggests this drink is a combination of coffee and ginger rhizome.


Usually the coffee used to make ginger coffee drinks is black coffee, while the ginger that is often used is red ginger, because it has a spicier taste than other gingers. But many also use other types of ginger, such as elephant ginger which is white and has a large rhizome texture.


The purpose of consuming ginger coffee drink is to overcome colds and warm the body. Ginger coffee drink is usually consumed during cold weather or after work when the body is tired. some of my friends say that their husbands are ginger coffee lovers, but they always buy them at coffee shops or coffee cafes, even though making ginger coffee drinks is very easy, so we can make our own ginger coffee drinks.

Today I will share a home recipe how to make ginger coffee drink. Previously I would harvest ginger from the yard, I planted a lot of ginger in polybags. To make delicious ginger coffee, I use old ginger which contains lots of essential oils, the taste of the old ginger rhizome is more fragrant and spicy compared to young ginger rhizomes.



The ingredients that I use to make ginger coffee drinks are:
1 sachet of black coffee / 2 tablespoons
1 piece of ginger
600 ml water
1 small piece of palm sugar, if you are a fan of bitter coffee then you should not use palm sugar.


How to make ginger coffee drink, namely:

1.Peel the ginger skin, then wash the ginger rhizome until clean.


2.Cut the ginger into small pieces


3.Put the water in the pot


4.Add the ginger pieces to the pot


5.add the pieces of palm sugar into the pot.


6.Boil water containing pieces of ginger and palm sugar until it boils.


7.Put the coffee grounds into the cup.


8.After the water boils, pour it into a cup containing coffee grounds, stir until the coffee dissolves.


I use a tea strainer to prevent the ginger pieces from getting into the coffee cup. But we can eat the ginger pieces after enjoying a cup of coffee, our bodies are warmer with the combination of ginger that makes warm and coffee that makes the spirit. Ginger coffee drink is ready to be served, drink when warm.


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