Greetings dear friends and great lovers of this refreshing beverage, coffee. You are all cordially welcome to a new tour through my blog. Taking as a reference that I recently made a delicious Moka coffee, today I wanted to make a frappuccino to share with you this great achievement.

A few weeks ago I shared in past publications that I was teaching a growth course and that one of the beverages that accompanied this training was a delicious coffee, so at the successful conclusion of this tour, I said to myself it is the perfect opportunity to try a different coffee, so without hesitation I said let's get to work.

So I quickly started with the preparations of this coffee in order to surprise my guest, I tried to make this drink something not only delicious, but also quite attractive, so I made a great effort to make something like that and to accompany them with these rich chocolate filled cookies.

My friend was very uncertain waiting to be able to taste it, however she told me that by the aroma she guessed it was coffee, that she was very fascinated by this presentation, because it was totally different from the ones we had been consuming, which were mostly hot, as she did not have a straw, she used a spoon to eat the whipped cream and we both concluded that definitely in the variety we always find deliciously surprising flavors.

As she doesn't like chocolate very much I added a higher concentration to mine and very little to hers, likewise, it was very low in sugar to avoid cloying us with so much sweetness and to find a perfect balance between coffee and chocolate cookies.

Reaching the end of this goal makes me feel very proud of the journey we have taken, this is not an absolute farewell we will continue in contact, waiting for a new training, because as human beings we must be in continuous advancement, otherwise we become obsolete.

My friend was a little sad to close this cycle, but at the same time very excited about the next steps she will take, which are very important and essential, I hope to continue innovating in these coffee recipes to share them with family and close friends. There is nothing more pleasant than enjoying a good coffee in the company of people that you appreciate and makes that meeting a special occasion.

I thank you in advance for dedicating part of your valuable time to read my work and may God multiply the support you give to my publication. Blessings.

The cover image is free and was extracted from canva. The design was made with the GridArt application.



Saludos estimados amigos y grandes amantes de esta refrescante bebida como lo es el café. Sean todos cordialmente bienvenidos a un nuevo recorrido por mi blog. Tomando como referencia que hace poco elabore un rico café Moka, hoy quise hacer un frappuccino para compartir junto a ustedes este gran logro.

Hace unas semanas atrás les compartí en publicaciones pasadas que estaba dictando un curso de crecimiento y que una de las bebidas que acompañaba esta formación era un delicioso café, por lo que al concluir satisfactoriamente este recorrido, me dije es la oportunidad perfecta para probar una café diferente, por lo que sin dudarlo me dije manos a la obra.

Así que rápidamente inicie con los preparativos de este café a manera de poder sorprender a mi invitada, intente hacer de esta bebida algo no solo delicioso, sino que también se visualizara bastante atractivo, por lo que hice un gran esfuerzo para que quedara algo así y poder acompañarlos con estas ricas galletas rellenas de chocolate.

Mi amiga estaba con mucha incertidumbre a la espera de poder degustar, sin embargo me dijo que por el aroma adivino que era café, que le había fascinado muchísimo esta presentación, pues era totalmente diferente al que veníamos consumiendo que eran caliente en su gran mayoría, como no tenía popote, utilizo una cucharilla para poder comer la crema chantilly y ambas concluimos que definitivamente en la variedad siempre encontramos sabores deliciosamente sorprendentes.

Como a ella no le gusta mucho el chocolate le agregue una mayor concentración al mío y muy poco al de ella, del mismo modo, estaba muy bajo en azúcar para evitar que nos empalagara con tanta dulzura y encontrar un equilibrio perfecto entre el café y las galletas de chocolate.

Llegar al final de esta meta me hace sentir muy orgullosa del recorrido que hemos dado, esto no es una despedida absoluta continuaremos en contacto, a la espera de una nueva formación, porque como seres humanos debemos estar en continuo avance, de lo contrario nos quedamos obsoletos.

Mi amiga estaba algo triste al darle cierre a este ciclo, pero a la vez muy emocionada por los siguientes pasos que dará, los cuales son muy importantes e imprescindibles, espero poder continuar innovando en estas recetas de café para poder compartirlas con familiares y amigos cercanos. No hay nada más agradable que disfrutar de un buen café en compañía de personas que aprecias y te hace de ese encuentro una ocasión especial.

De ante mano agradezco el que dediques parte de tu valioso tiempo para leer mi trabajo y que Dios te multiplique el apoyo que le aportes a mi publicación. Bendiciones

All photos used here are my property and were taken with the camera of my Redmi Note 9T phone. The design was made with the GridArt application.

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