Coffee childhood

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Today we participate in the new biweekly call made by our dear coffee goddesses. They ask us about how important coffee is in our families and if as children we were allowed to drink coffee.

First of all, in our culture coffee is very important, it is the center of a meeting, be it family, business, or friendship. Social life revolves around a cup of coffee and no matter how much we want to leave the dark one aside it is impossible, nothing can replace coffee, more than a simple beverage it carries a strong tradition in the culture that crosses generations and continues to be present with a powerful validity.

Whenever visitors come to the house and as long as I can remember, coffee has always been present, not only to be good hosts but also to liven up and break the ice to start a conversation that could cover many topics of our life and society. The cups were served with kindness and cordiality to the visitors who with a smile received the delicious cup of coffee, many times accompanied with bread, cookies, or some special snack.

In the first part, I think I tried to explain how important coffee is in our family and above all in our culture, where coffee is produced. We grow with its smell and aroma, becoming part of our life in every personal experience. This leads me to answer the following question about the importance of coffee when I was a child and if I could drink it.

I have already explained the importance of coffee in our culture and how it has become part of our lives socially. I know that in many cultures, especially in the most developed countries, children are forbidden to drink coffee, Contrary to what happens in our culture, children can drink coffee from a very young age, although the coffee is not served as strong and in small quantities.

portada stb 76 2.jpgPhoto of my son as a child with coffee plants in the plantation.

I do not remember from what age I started drinking coffee, but it was from a very young age. In the afternoons it was an unmissable custom to drink coffee, like tea for the English, so we grew up until we became adults and I can say that coffee had no serious side effects on my body, nor on the people I know, but always with a prudent consumption.

An anecdote that I remember is that of my brother, who in the afternoons was served coffee and when he finished drinking it he would fall deeply asleep, it was something curious what happened with him and well with us too, because at night we can drink coffee before going to sleep without affecting our sleep. Maybe we have developed a certain tolerance to caffeine, and in normal doses, it does not affect our organisms too much.

I think I feel fortunate to have been able to enjoy a delicious cup of coffee from an early age and to be able to drink it without having such an exponential alteration as those people who do not live so deeply the custom of coffee in society.

This has been my participation in the bi-weekly call of our beloved coffee group. I look forward to reading from you and hearing about your experiences with coffee in your family and when you were children. I wish you a wonderful day with delicious coffee aroma and flavor.

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All images without link are property of Yenny Aldazora
Edited by Rincón Poético.

The text of this post was originally translated from Spanish to English with the translator DeepL
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