A Cup of Espresso at Hermes Cafe

Hello coffee lovers! I love drinking coffee and sure I am a coffee addict as well. So, I drink coffee everyday and would love to share with you on Hive Blockchain the stories of my daily coffee. Unfortunately, I didn’t post a single post on here for about seven months. But today I post about drinking coffee at an Hotel.


I was really doubtful to make a post, mostly a coffee post since my account was visited by Spaminator without any reason. I know that the man bebind the scene must be doing very well. I stopped posting since that time. I post nothing but I miss this coffee community. Finally last night, I tried to do appeal after I got an advice from a friend suggesting me to come to Hivewatcher discord and talk there. I was really curious why I was blacklisted while I never do plagiarism and other things to break the rule of Hive Blockchain and its communities.

I was asking for someone in the discord to help me resolve the problem: “Someone here can help me? I got spaminator is downvoting my account @razack-pulo. Please tell me how to resolve this problem. Thank you””.

And the Hivewatchers Helper replied ”It appears to be related to "saldoakhir" & "abqory" and their reward.app abuse. I removed the blacklist.”

I don’t have any idea why I was blacklisted and this morning I got the reply from Hivewatcher-helper and I took a screenshot as you can see below as a proof.


Okay, now I continue writing the coffee post. My family and I were staying at Hermes Palace Hotel in Banda Aceh. When having breakfast, I made a cup of espresso with an automatic espresso machine named Merol. J just press some buttons to make my espresso that morning. The roasted beans was arabica coffee as I could smell various aroma from the beans. I am not a cupper or Q Grader but I think I could do some cupping of arabica coffee.




And here was my coffee! It looks so great taste. I wanted to sip it immediately. I took the coffee on my table.


Then I started taking some pancakes and I gave some honey as the topping.


I also took some noodle at the corner. I love this traditional noodle with peanut sauce. We can add some celery and fried onion.


Here is my noodle! It’s already with my espresso. Then I enjoyed the dish, the noodle. It’s not spaghetti, for sure. It’s Achenese traditional noodles.


The hotel serves great hospitality and the cafe too. The interior is awesome. The restaurant is connected to Swimming Pool. It’s a nice place to have a quality time with family.



Thank you for reading. I would love posting more coffee stories in the future as I have no worries anymore for spaminator coming in.

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