[Eng-Esp]Mocaccino coffee is now one of my favorite drinks.


Since I consumed mocaccino coffee, the first time, now it is one of my favorite drinks, in this sense, there was the opportunity to go to the "Cumaná Plaza" Shopping Center, located on Bermúdez avenue in the city of Cumaná, where I located a nice place, called "Caripe Express, Café y Cacao", where they sell various types of sweets and coffees, where I considered that they made the aforementioned drink, which I had in mind to consume; that is to say a delicious and nutritious coffee mocaccino.


Being in the aforementioned commercial establishment, which I will always remember because it has the name of Caripe, which is a beautiful town located in the state of Monagas and where my wife Nancy was born, it was possible to observe how clean and beautiful it is "Caripe Express, Coffee and Cocoa", in which I was informed that they sell various types of coffee; black, brown and logically the mocaccino, whose preparation was an interesting process, which I carefully observed.



In such a luxurious place, I was able to observe such an interesting process of elaboration of my requested mocaccino coffee, being very important to indicate that the ground cocoa, after preparing it, is incorporated into the espresso coffee, which is previously served in the cup, then they add the milk very hot liquid, emerging mocaccino coffee. Said observance moved me a lot, to continue pointing out that this will continue to be my favorite drink, which I wanted to try soon.






It is very important to express that after observing the procedures for the preparation of the required coffee, I proceeded to sit comfortably and wait at the designated table, receiving a pleasant surprise, when the mocaccino coffee was served in its corresponding container, that is, in a cup, Said drink had a smiley face, printed on the upper part, made from cocoa and milk, showing that it is very well attended and I would be pleased to taste my mocaccino coffee, which happened placidly.





It is good to say that after consuming the mocaccino coffee, it was when I made the respective and economic cancellation of it, which is always done at the beginning, that is, they were more attentive to offer an exquisite drink and to attend me very well, reasons to recommend such a distinguished place, where they develop a quality sale, with excellent service.



Friends, it was very nice to be in the distinguished business "Caripe Express, Café y Cacao", which indicates that in Cumaná, there are businesses with very efficient and kind people, who offer highly appreciated treatment. In thanking you for your receptivity and your continued visits, allow me to subscribe to you, with great affection, reiterating the recommendation of such a beautiful coffees shop and if it is mocaccino, welcome. Omar Gustavo Rojas Ortiz from the city of Cumaná in the state of Sucre-Venezuela.

The images were taken by Nancy de Rojas with my Samsung Galaxy A10s cell phone and the publication is my own.


Desde que consumí café mocaccino, la primera vez, ahora es una de mis bebidas preferidas, en tal sentido, hubo la ocasión de acudir al Centro Comercial "Cumaná Plaza", ubicado en la avenida Bermúdez de la ciudad de Cumaná, en el cual ubiqué un bonito local, denominado "Caripe Express, Café y Cacao", donde expenden diversos tipos de dulces y cafés, donde consideré que elaboraban la referida bebida, que tenía en mente consumir; es decir un delicioso y nutritivo cafe mocaccino.


Estando en el citado establecimiento comercial, el cual siempre recordaré pues tiene el nombre de Caripe, la cual es una linda población ubicada en el estado Monagas y en ella nació mi esposa Nancy, se pudo observar ĺo limpio y bonito que es "Caripe Express, Café y Cacao", en el cual fui informado que venden varios tipos de cafés; negrito, marrón y lógicamente el mocaccino.



En tan lujoso local, pude observar tan interesante proceso de elaboración de mi solicitado café mocaccino, siendo muy importante indicar, que el cacao molido, luego de prepararlo lo incorporan al café espresso, el cual está servido previamente en la taza, seguidamente añaden la leche líquida bien caliente, surgiendo el café mocaccino. Dicha observancia me emocionó mucho, para seguir señalando que está seguirá siendo mi bebida predilecta, la cual deseaba probar prontamente.






En muy importante expresar, que luego de observar los procedimientos para la preparación del café requerido, procedí a sentarme cómodamente y esperar en la mesa designada, recibiendo una grata sorpresa, al servirme el café mocaccino en su envase correspondiente, es decir en una taza, dicha bebida tenía una carita sonriente, impresa en la parte superior, formadas a base de cacao y leche, dando muestras que se atiende muy bien y quedaría complacido de degustar mi café mocaccino, lo cual aconteció plácidamente.





Es bueno decir, que luego de consumir el café mocaccino, fue cuando hice la respectiva y económica cancelación del mismo, cosa que siempre se hace al principio, es decir estaban más pendientes de ofrecer una exquisita bebida y de atenderme muy bien, razones para recomendar tan distinguido lugar, donde desarrollan una venta de calidad, con una excelente atención.



Amigos, fue muy agradable estar en el distinguido negocio "Caripe Express, Café y Cacao", lo que indica que en Cumaná, existen negocios con personas muy eficientes y gentiles, que ofrecen un trato muy apreciado. Al agradecerles su receptividad y continúas visitas, permítanme suscribirme a ustedes, con mucho afecto, reiterando la recomendación de tan bonito expendio de cafés y si es mocaccino, bienvenido sea. Omar Gustavo Rojas Ortiz desde la ciudad de Cumaná en el estado Sucre-Venezuela.

Las imágenes fueron tomadas por Nancy de Rojas con mi celular Samsung Galaxy A10s y la publicación es de mi autoría.


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