I had the chance to visit a very special specialty coffee place! Welcome to the third location of Dabov specialty coffee in Sofia!

It was finally time! I wanted to visit this place since the day it was open. This was maybe about two years ago, but we live relatively far away from the capital, so the task was almost impossible, at least when we have children too. If we were alone, we would most probably pick a nice Saturday and just drive there, to enjoy some tasty coffee.

My working travels led me to Sofia and although the site we were working on is on the outskirts, it is very easy to go to the center and visit this place. A couple of weeks ago I had the chance to visit the second location of the brand, and now it was time to visit the third and final one (for now).

The coffee shop is located on a very busy crossing, where some major boulevards cross at the heart of Sofia. Finding a parking space for your car is also a nightmare, so you better go with public transport, if you have this opportunity. Like most of the places in this area, the available properties are old and very narrow, so the cafés there can’t be big and roomy. This doesn’t mean they cannot be warm and cozy!

On the wall right in front of the door are arranged all of the various coffees that are available at a particular time in the Dabov selection. You can easily pick one and enjoy it at home. Or… you can stay and enjoy a bit of peacefulness in the busy working day. Of course, you can pick some of the finest DelmarTe teas, which can be bought either single doses and loose boxes.

One thing that catches your eyes almost instantly are the fancy built in espresso machines. All you can see above the desk is brewheads and portafilters. It seems almost like a draft beer faucet. I really wouldn’t enjoy a cold beer too, but this time we talk coffee!

I asked the barista if there were different coffee choices apart from the featured list, and she told me that there was an option. If I wanted she could brew me Dabov Signature Blend. This was the coffee that was presented to me last time in the other location. Back then, I had it espresso, but this time I wanted to try it on filter. When the lady was working on the drink I decided to go around the place and take some photos.

Although the place is relatively small it has some cozy chairs to enjoy your coffee next to the bar, and because there isn’t much room, most of the places in this area feature a second floor, although both of the floors are like 2,0-2,1 meters max! This may be a bit claustrophobic for some taller people, but still makes the setting very unique.

The second floor offers a nice spy like window, we’re you can see everyone passing in front of the cafe. I noticed a very bizarre Japanese styled cabinet. I wonder what could they possibly store inside it? Or is this was used just like a table, where they can put some orders, or clear away dirty cups after the customers leave. Who knows…

On the walls there were multiple photos of the various farmers, that export coffee to Dabov in Bulgaria. This is maybe the best reference to the labor and hard work of these people. Also, you can really see almost in person the people who are behind the coffee that you are currently enjoying. That I call a great experience!

One vinyl player was responsible for the mood in the coffee shop. It was playing a relaxing and easy going jazz music! I think this is the best music to enjoy your coffee with. By the way, do you have a favorite music genre to boost your mood while enjoying a cup of beautiful coffee?

Lastly, on the wall next to the stairs there is a bag, that is used to ship coffee worldwide. I think these are the 60 kilo bags that everyone uses. And this bag is, of course, branded! It keeps on reminding you whose coffee you are drinking! 😁

And yes, I was so busy going around and taking photos that I forgot to take a photo of my coffee… which was excellent! Actually I bought a bag of these beans with my last purchase so I’ll have another chance to review this.
Thanks for stopping by and have a nice weekend

See ya! which was really delicious! I even purchased one bag of these beans with my last delivery, so it will be reviewed soon!

Thanks for stopping by and have a beautiful weekend!
See ya!

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