Ralph's coffee shop at Doha airport

Hello, Friends and community. Traveling then jetlag, cleaning the house, and waiting for the reconnecting internet. Now most of the things done some post for other community was scheduled before travel. Today's post is about the coffee shop at Doha Airport. if you are ever been to Doha Airport you will not be surprised about the beautiful airport and the exclusive shops there. We are frequent flyers of Qutar Airlines but for three years not been able to fly in that direction. There have been a lot of changes with many new shops. And this time I noticed this beautiful Ralph's coffee shop- Ralph Lauren NYC. The very exclusive shops at the airport are elegant but often with very few buyers I noticed. maybe our timing was odd at the airport. The same thing with this coffee shop nobody was there to drink or buy coffee.
The boy working there was an East Asian and very friendly he said the coffee they serve comes from all around the world and most of the coffee is organic or wild. The supply is from America, South America, and Africa. I asked him about where the customers are he just smiled.
Honest to say I couldn't get a chance to taste coffee there because we didn't have US dollars or Euros with us and our credit/visa cards were blocked for Middle Eastern countries. The price wasn't any higher than in New York but we couldn't even use our Qpoints there. Sorry not to be able to tell you how the coffee tastes, but if the display is any indication I am sure that they sell outstanding coffee.










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