You are special!

"Create a design we've never seen before" I Stared at the seven-word sentence that was supposed to serve as my final project before I graduated from Veekee Fashion Academy, a single line, that was all but it felt like a paged written project, how is it possible for me to create a design that Veekee the top fashion boss in Nigeria had never seen before.

Veekee is the kindest of soul, and want us all to be at the top of our game, getting admitted wasn't an easy process, the way she selected candidates for admission was tough, I couldn't believe it when I was made it amidst the other sophisticated girls that applied but failed, You are special, those were her words when I looked surprised after passing the impromptu physical test of making a ball gown petticoat, luckily, I had scanned a YouTube tutorial video once in the past.

Is this what she meant when she said I was special, creating a design she had never seen before, I thought hard and ideas seemed elusive as the pressure to create something extraordinary Veekee had never seen weighed heavily on my shoulders, all form of creativity seemed distant from me as every thought I had came with the conclusion that Veekee had already seen them.


Just then a knock woke me up from my thoughts as I was indecisive, waiting for inspiration, I walked sluggishly to open the door, Mama I called out as I hugged my mum happily, how I've missed her, you didn't tell me you were visiting, " to spoil my surprise" she replied, she came with groceries as usual, she knows I have the habit of not restocking my groceries until I start starving, and as expected they were already running low even my precious coffee, she brought out a new brand from her bag along with other items, I giggled excitedly like a little girl being offered candy, this pack looks great, I hope its content is as great, your dad bought it from his last trip, dad worked as a construction engineer and always have to travel to different part of the country, he was the real original coffee lover in the family. Just then Mum volunteered to make me a cup just before she retired to bed, as it was already late evening.

The tantalizing aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the room, and my lungs moved up and down in longing as Mum sat the cup on a small table beside me, just like I love my coffee, dark and unsweetened, I sat on my chair close to the table, mum saw the worried expression on my face, don't worry Glory, I'm sure you can handle this project, you always do, she comforted me, our talk on the phone the previous day must have prompted this surprise visit, her words sent comfort and with a grateful sigh, I took a sip, allowing the rich flavor to awaken my senses.


As the warm liquid trickled down, a wave of energy surged through me. The caffeine breathed life into my weary mind, and I dozed off or did I, my young self emerged, sketching, and sorting fabric pieces at one corner, a coffee beaded lace fabric and it's contrasting tulle color, let's make a dazzling coffee beaded dress I said to myself, as I smiled at my younger looking dad sipping from his favorite cup of coffee, replicating my dad's favorite coffee pack which had bright earthy colored coffee bean displayed on the wrap, I tripped and suddenly woke up, it must have been a trance but it also felt real, I got inspired, i picked up my sketch book, idea filled, I kept going, lots of tulles, I know but that's the magic, the vision taking shape, the more I sketched the more alive I felt like I was intoxicated with the coffee or inspiration, I'm not even sure which of the two, the deep hues of the coffee beans inspired the color palette of the dress, earthy browns, and hints of velvety mocha. It must be the coffee, I couldn't believe my eyes at some point during the process, Even as a sketch, it glowed, I had cut out some leftover brown tulle I had and made the sketch more realistic with them flowing naturally on the dazzling coffee-beaded dress I created.

Hours passed, but time seemed irrelevant to me as all I looked forward to was bringing everything I felt at that moment to life, I marveled at how a cup of coffee had transformed my block into a brewed brilliance in the making.
As the final strokes graced the sketch, I sat back, a sense of accomplishment washing over me. The once barren sketchbook now held something amazing, I couldn't believe it, just then my alarm rang, oh dear, it's 5 am how long did I get into the realm of designing and didn't feel any tiredness at all, just then mum walked into the sitting room, did you stay up all nigh..she stopped right there and I saw how awestruck she looked spotting my sketchbook, you did it, girl, she looked at me, then my empty cup of coffee then at the sketch, your dad said something about this coffee bringing him memories and helped clear a block he had, I didn't put much thought to it, but now it helped you, with tears already streaming from one corner of her eyes, then I remembered the short trance I had, or was it my childhood memory I had forgotten, but it Inspired me, it must be a real special brand, I got up hurrying to the bathroom to clean up and get dressed for school, I entered the bathroom before having breakfast, the aroma of coffee lingered like a whispered secret, and I realized that sometimes, all it takes is a sip of creativity to design something truly beautiful.

first image is mine

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