A Mysterious Birthday Present


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Ding Ding

"Just a second!" I called out

Quickly I grab my robe at the bottom of my bed and put it on to go see who is at the door. Angry, I wrench the door open only for me to see a delivery man on my doorstep with a package for me from my father. Without saying any word so as not to send the delivery man running away because of my morning breath, I collect the package, and I wave him off.

Looking at the package, I realized today is my birthday seeing the inscription written on the package. Opening the package, I saw two perfectly wrapped gifts inside. Each one from both my parents. I opened my father's gifts and saw fresh Turkish coffee beans in a paper bag. Setting aside the coffee paper bag on my kitchen island, I opened my mother's gift to see a silver necklace locket. Shocked, I slapped my hand over my mouth. The silver locket has been in the family for years. My mother always wore it and said it is her conscience. Wearing it around my neck, I noticed from my peripheral vision, the coffee paper bag moves like there is a bug inside it.

I hate bugs and insects. Panicking, I quickly take one of my floppy slippers and poke at the coffee paper bag. It moves again to further verify there is definitely a bug in there. Shaking, I poke it again and all of a sudden the coffee paper bag flips over. Lifting one of my feet, I close my eyes as I scrunch my nose and beat the coffee paper multiple times with my slippers. My eyes opened slowly as I began approaching the paper bag and it began flipping over on each side violently. Screaming, I fling my slipper and run to shelter myself on the other side of my kitchen island. Watching the paper bag on the floor, I heard a tiny voice say, "Is she going to kill me or let me take out this paper bag!"

Shaking, I summon up the courage to say, "Wh-whoever you are…, I have a rifle here and it is loaded!"

Grunting from the tiny voice

Immediately,I took a broom from my kitchen, wrapping my fingers around it firmly with every last ounce of courage I have, I start to approach the paper bag again, silently and slowly. Almost there, the paper bag tore open by the side to reveal tiny brown arms coming out of the paper bag. Not waiting for whatever it is to come out fully, I made a warrior scream and started hitting the paper with all the strength I have left with my eyes closed.

"Please stop it, you're going to kill me. No more" the tiny voice said

As I stopped and opened my eyes I saw all the coffee beans scattered everywhere on my kitchen floor, but one coffee bean was standing on two tiny legs and two tiny hands held up in total surrender. Going down on my knees to get a better look at the coffee bean, I saw a little crack at the top of the bean and then the coffee bean opened its eyes. Eyes of amber gold color locked with mine and it was the most beautiful eyes I'd ever seen.

"Please drop the broom. I am not going to kill you but I am going to kill your mother!" it said angrily.

Blinking my eyes, I said, "Wait, what? Why?"

Coffee bean poked my nose with its tiny hand and said, "Sanchez women always do this to me as part of the stupid ritual joke!. I am going to kill her I tell you and there is nothing you.can.do.about.it! the coffee bean said as it stomped a foot on the floor angry.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to-" I took the broom "use this on you. I thought you were a bug"

Keep.that.down.now!" the coffee bean ordered gesturing with its tiny index finger.

The coffee bean began to pace back and forth as he kept on snapping its tiny fingers. Then all of sudden it stopped, turned to me, and said, " Are you going to give me a name or what?"

"W-what? A name? Em, well for starters, I don't know your gender, but-"

"Shhhhhh! I don't have any gender, you blockhead! Or do you see any genital organ hanging off me,Huh? Huh?" the coffee bean said as it swayed from left to right.

"Okay! Why are you so rude? Can I call you Beth then?"

"Perfect. Now listen carefully to me. I have been in your family for as long as I can remember. I serve as a guide to all the females of the Sanchez family, some called me teacher, some called conscience, called me a guider. Depends on what you want me to be. I have every knowledge that you can think of at my fingertips and all you need to do is to ask. Got it?"

"Okay, so where do I keep you so you don't get lost or get mistaken for a coffee bean?"

"The silver locket. But first, I need air, I need to heal from all the wounds you gave to m-." Silence. "Thought I told you to keep the broom away?"

I gasped, "Jesus! I-I didn't mean to-". Then I saw Beth's left tiny eye begin twitching and I knew I had messed up.


"I am sorry, please"

Walking away with the broom to hide it, I couldn't believe what had just happened to me. Now understand the story behind my mother's locket; she always called her conscience. I have so many questions to ask Beth, I can't wait to ask all of it and know my family history but now Beth has to rest. 'This is the best birthday gift I have ever had'. I whispered to myself.

This is my entry to Spill The Beans Contest, Prompt 13.

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