Coffee milk and dessert with friends


Yesterday a small activity was held in one of the shopping centers here in my city, in order to promote and publicize new projects that are in the process of development and thus many people can go to meet, since the entrance was totally free and in my case I received the invitation from a friend to accompany him and have a great time. Activity that was as entrepreneurs to taste their products, as others were also paid to consume and have a good time, so you can imagine the number of people who were there. In my case I enjoyed it very much, since very few do these activities and when they do they are unique opportunities and the best thing is that I got a great gift from my friend when he invited me for a coffee once we left the activity.

My friend is the kind of person who can have a beer or a coffee in an outing to talk, since he likes both, so the choice for this time was a great coffee in one of the coffee shops that was close to the activity and was open that afternoon, with many people there shopping and enjoying this great place, for being very cozy and perfect. The coffee shop was in Paseo San Miguel, being the name of the mall and with just a few months of its inauguration and therefore they are always sneaking promotions and offers to attract many more people and as a good coffee lover and to spend some time with my friends, we went for those coffees and candy, something that I found very good, since one can talk and tell great jokes.


Upon arrival we were attended in a very good way and there were other friends in the cafeteria, so it was a great meeting without much planning, where it has a small billboard where the prices and products offered in the cafeteria, although I was already sure that I would ask for my traditional coffee with milk, since this had a cost of $ 1 and for the place where we were I thought it was very good. The cup of this coffee was small, but with an elche style and I was surprised, since it was the first time I saw it and the best thing is that comfortable to enjoy that great coffee. It was a coffee with traditional elche, while everyone asked for the same, so we had a great time, as a special touch it had a great decoration of chocolate powder on the foam and an extra bag of sugar, therefore when moving it gives a very rich touch to the coffee.


For dessert we ordered a portion of chocolate cake for each person, or a cost of 1.5 $ for being somewhat small, I certainly thought it was a little dry and lacked much more chocolate cream, unlike other chocolate cakes I have tasted in different cafeterias. Although it had a great decoration and several showers of chocolate on top, creating a great looking cake. Where this time I had the coffee with milk first and then the chocolate cake, since I didn't want to ruin the taste of the coffee, since the cake was not the best for this opportunity, so next time I will ask for another flavor and see how they are. But I ended up eating it.



That day I had a great time, since I was able to go to an activity and meet several of those businesses that are in the process of growth and giving the best of them to get ahead and then share a good coffee with the company of friends, which are unique moments and I will never forget them and of course continue with my adventure to try many coffees and sweets from the various coffee shops that are in my city. We hope to be able to repeat this type of outing and to go to these coffee shops for a cold coffee in the near future.

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