Tasting Matcha Vanilla Tea, flavor and aroma that enchants


Greetings, my dear tea and coffee loving friends!

As a lover of these beverages, I am constantly trying new brands and new flavors, all to give me the pleasure of sharing special moments with my loved ones.

Some time ago I read that in the Japanese tradition, the custom of sharing the tea ceremony has a great meaning, because you share a cup of tea with your loved ones and with those people you are fond of and are considered good friends.

The tea ceremony is very special and I love to include it, too, in my daily life as a moment of relaxation.



These days I found two flavors of infusions in the supermarket that I immediately checked and did not hesitate to buy them to try.

One of the teas I bought is the Indian brand that I always buy, but I had not seen the presentation with the combination of Ginger, orange and turmeric. And since I like to drink ginger and turmeric tea normally, I was delighted to have received them in this little box and with the added bonus of orange. I already tried this one and loved it.

The other tea I bought is Vanilla Matcha Tea from Nature's Heart. A brand that I did not know, but that caught my attention because of the beautiful presentation of the box, the way to open it to take out the bags and the message with the hastag #hazlodecorazon that comes on the packaging and in each of the bags. It seems to me that this phrase has a lot of power because it carries the implicit meaning that things are done with passion and dedication.



Today I want to tell you my opinion about Matcha Vanilla Tea. It says on the box that it is pure and fresh matcha tea and that it has creamy vanilla notes.

I really like to drink green tea, and the fact that this one has vanilla added, I like it even more because the vanilla flavor brings softness to green tea, makes it delicate to the palate, when drinking it the sensation is like a caress and also gives it a rich aroma.

The aroma is so delicious that when I took it out of the package and started to infuse it, it permeated the whole kitchen, which made the moment even more special.



To prepare the Vanilla Matcha Tea I used my French press. I put two sachets in the bottom of the press, added hot water, let it sit for a few minutes, then stirred the sachets gently with the plunger and poured into my thermos glass.





My Matcha vanilla tea is ready to enjoy all its properties that bring benefits to my body, which is good for my health. As we know, matcha tea has abundant polyphenols and antioxidants that help cardiovascular health, it also strengthens the immune system, improves memory, controls hypertension and lowers blood sugar levels. Ver

How can you not drink tea when doing so is more than beneficial to your health?

Health and wellness for everyone.



Coffee, nectar of the gods, must be, to be good, as ardent as your eyes, as black as your hair, as pure as your soul, as sweet as your kisses.
(Francisco Villaespesa).


All content in this publication is original content and personal creative work. The separators and banners are my designs in Canva. The photos are my property.

Todo el contenido de esta publicación es contenido original y trabajo creativo personal. Los separadores y banners son mis diseños en Canva. Las fotos son de mi propiedad.

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