Bruma&Taza, a coffee shop for enjoyment and relaxation


Greetings, my dear coffee lovers. Today I am back in the community to share a visit to a coffee shop in Bogota that I fell in love with. It is Bruma&Taza.

Walking around this city is to run into many warm and smelly coffee places where to take shelter from a downpour, not unexpected because the sky is mostly cloudy and it is sure to rain, but imminent, so much so that you have to run because the drops go from small to large in the blink of an eye.

My daughter, my husband and I were out for a walk, the rain surprised us in the middle of a park and we had no choice but to run to a cafeteria to avoid getting wet and warm up with a good cup of hot coffee and a dessert for a snack.




Very close to the 93 park is Bruma&Taza, a coffee shop that I did not know, but my daughter had told me very well about it and wanted us to know it. So we entered this cafeteria that I loved from the front door, because they are petfriendly and have water served in containers for pets.

After this door, we are welcomed by a hallway with stairs that lead us to a very cozy and illuminated space, despite the gray day, the light enters through huge windows that make the stay very pleasant. Immediately, my attention was focused on the plants that abound at the edge of the windows, the tables and chairs of a cream color give it a clear, bright, clean and relaxing look. A beautiful rose as a centerpiece added a romantic and dreamy touch.





The menu is a book with a lot of information, in addition to the menu. The first thing that stands out about this coffee shop is that they are experts in coffee and that it is the first experience coffee shop in Bogota. Also, on some of the shelves you can see packages of 100% Colombian coffee, made by Bruma&Taza, brought from Huila, a Colombian region.

On the pages, you can read about the different methods they use to offer the coffee experience in the place. At the time of our first visit, we did not plan to live this experience, but we have already made an appointment to return and live it with the barista at the table.







That rainy afternoon, I ordered a Cappuccino with lactose-free milk that was delicious, I loved the presentation with its "Latte Art", some coffee beans that flavored the service and a little piece of poppy cake. To complete the snack, from the dessert page, I ordered a carrot cake, although I had originally asked for an apple strudel, but there was none. Anyway, the dose of sweetness I needed was satisfied with that carrot cake, which was exquisite.

We stayed a long time talking, sharing our snacks and remembering special moments of this year that my husband and I have just completed in Bogota. Meanwhile, it was pouring rain outside, we could not go out, nor did we want to leave. The atmosphere is wonderful and the service is second to none.

Bruma&Taza is one of those coffee shops to which I would return many times to enjoy the aromas and flavors of another good Colombian coffee. In case you want to visit it, I leave you the address Cra. 12 #93 - 57 Piso 2, and the location in Pinmapple.




Coffee, nectar of the gods, must be, to be good, as ardent as your eyes, as black as your hair, as pure as your soul, as sweet as your kisses.
(Francisco Villaespesa).


All content in this publication is original content and personal creative work. The separators and banners are my designs in Canva. The photos are my property.

Todo el contenido de esta publicación es contenido original y trabajo creativo personal. Los separadores y banners son mis diseños en Canva. Las fotos son de mi propiedad.

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