A place to come back| TCSP #30


The outings with my daughter for a walk, a stroll or to see new places become unforgettable pages in the book of our history together.

Many times, Sofi invites me to go out for a little exercise, she loves to jog, and I take advantage of long walks, while watching her from afar, in front of me.

In our outing last weekend, besides going to the park to exercises, we took advantage of several activities that were going on in Bogota, and as Sofi is very good at making plans, she immediately looked for what else we could do, and so we arrived at Barrio San Felipe, a real hidden treasure. On my blog, I shared some photos of this wonderful place.

The magical thing about our outings is that we always go further afield and come across beautiful places, discoveries that leave us pleasantly surprised. Among these, there will always be a coffee shop because we both love to drink coffee and if we share it together it is better, no matter if it is in a chain coffee shop or in a small and familiar one like the one we found in the San Felipe neighborhood. Anyway, we enjoy any coffee shop because we are captivated by the aroma of coffee and, most of the time, they are usually charming places where we feel like staying for a while.

Speaking of #TheCoffeeShopPrompt30, I want to tell you about a coffee shop with a family feel that we found in San Felipe and that I loved from the moment I saw it from afar. It is a simple café, but as beautiful as it is cozy. That familiar air made me feel at home and reminded me of my mom's, with its porch full of plants.

The tables were outdoors, covered with checkered cloth tablecloths and in the center a potted plant with a beautiful plant, and many more everywhere, which made the atmosphere cooler and more relaxing. I felt like I was floating in the garden of my childhood, in my mother's little house.

Sofi and I had a snack in this beautiful place. She ordered an American coffee and I ordered a cappuccino to go with some chicken pot pies. Everything was very tasty.

I confess that I didn't want to leave, I felt so good, I felt so peaceful, enjoying that afternoon with my daughter. In our conversation we visualized a dream she has had for a long time. That dream is to have a similar bookstore-cafe and this one we visited is a great inspiration. I am sure that someday it will stop being a dream and become a cozy reality.

Here, I will leave you the video that my daughter made in this place and I invite you to stop by so you can feel like you are inside Tertulia Librería- Café .

In closing, I can't claim to have a preference between big chain coffee shops and those with a cozier atmosphere. What I really value is that the place awakens all my senses, that it allows me to enjoy a pleasant moment and makes the experience of savoring a good coffee unforgettable, like here at Tertulia Librería- Café.











All content in this publication is original content and personal creative work. The separators and banners are my designs in Canva. The photos are my property.



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