Nostalgic Coffee

That morning, I was so tensed up because, for the first time in my life, as far as I can remember, I would be standing in front of the crowd to give a presentation that would bring me one step closer to my dreams.

It was 6 a.m. when I woke up, anxious to rehearse my speech in front of the mirror. My hands were slightly trembling as I held my manuscript speech. I paced from one end to the other and began to sweat profusely.

"Hey Bella, you need to calm down, okay? I know you can do this." Dorcas, my big sister, had been watching me for quite a while now. "Here, take a seat and take a sip; this will calm your nerves." Dorcas handed me a cup of coffee.


I took a seat just beside the bedside and began to take a sip. As the rich aroma enveloped me, the world around me blurred, and suddenly I was transported into the memories I had long forgotten. I saw my 7-year-old self in a red tulle outfit and stockings, as I used to be a ballet dancer for the school during my childhood days for a dance competition. My dad held my hands, led me to the podium, and planted a kiss on my forehead. "Hey little miss, I believe in you; I am here with you and cheering you all the way; dance like the star you've always been." We exchanged our signature handshake with a wink, and I began to dance away amidst the crowd. With every sip, I dove deeper into a world of nostalgia and cherished moments of how my dad gave me a tight hug at the end of the dance competition, and the smile on his face was priceless. "Little Miss, I am proud of you," he said as he patted my back.

Those words echoed as I was gradually brought back to reality, accompanied by sheepish laughter: "Big sister, how did you do this?" I felt so relieved and curiously asked how she came across a cup of coffee that helped me recall my forgotten childhood memories, as I marvelled at how a simple cup of coffee could unlock my treasured childhood memories.


It's from Fred, my scientist friend; it's a new blend of coffee that helps us recall our childhood memories," her soothing voice said. "I just want you to know we are proud of you and you are loved."

"Oh, how much I missed Dad, and recalling this moment was the best thing that could ever happen to me," I said as I sniffed for a moment, blinking consistently so as not to let the tear drop down my cheek.

Although Dad died three years ago, I could feel his presence, and suddenly I was motivated to go out there to face the crowd for my presentation and make my dream come true.


With a smile on my face, I hugged my sister as I was grateful for the cup of coffee that took me on a nostalgic journey through the most treasured memories of my childhood days, and then we both exchanged the signature handshake. "I would make you and Papa proud." I took a deep breath and walked out confidently to the venue.

All images used are mine.

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