A restorative tea πŸŒΏβ˜•


Tea time is one of the favorite times for people all over the world, being an ideal moment for a meeting with family or friends.

In my country, in general, the real tea is not consumed so often, since its cost is somewhat high, but by custom the infusions are also called tea, so it is very common to be offered a lemon and honey tea, chamomile tea or any aromatic herb. The consumption of this type of infusions is more common at tea time.




In my house we usually buy the black tea or green tea shown in the picture above but plant infusions are our favorite at tea time.

There is an infusion that is the prefered in my family for the enormous benefits it brings to health, we call it repairing tea since by the medicinal properties of its components serves to increase the body's defenses and is also relaxing. This infusion or tea is prepared with three herbs: sangria, holy leaf and lemon. πŸ‹


Sangria, chinchamochina or blood herb, (Justicia secunda Vahl - Species: Acanthaceae) among other names given to this plant, is well known for the red color that takes its infusion and is said to increase hemoglobin to be rich in B vitamins. Many healing properties are attributed to this plant, but it is especially used to treat or prevent viral processes such as dengue, chikungunya or COVID-19.


Holy leaf or Santa Maria leaf (Species: Piper auritum - Piperaceae family), is heart-shaped and its flavor is annized; it is popularly used for colic, to increase the body's defenses and as a relaxant.

When these two herbs are combined with lemon, rich in vitamin C, the result is a delicious infusion of pink color, a little acidic and with a slightly annized flavor.

In my family we drink this infusion once or twice a week as a way to strengthen the immune system to prevent viral processes. It is also a pleasant tasting drink that can be accompanied with cookies while chatting at home.



02 cups of water
3 branches of the sangria plant
1 holy leaf
1/2 lemon πŸ‹
Sugar to taste


Place the two cups of water in a pot and bring it to the fire, when it boils add the leaves keeping them on the fire for 1 minute. Then turn off the stove, add the lemon, cover the pot and let it rest for 15 minutes. Add sugar to taste and that's it, we have a delicious infusion to enjoy our get-together.




This is my participation in the INT'L TEA DAY CONTEST, if you want to join this tea party πŸŽ‰ you can participate and share your preferences or any anecdote related to tea. Huges! πŸ€—


  • The content is authored by me
  • Own images captured with my cell phone.
  • The divider and footer were designed at Canva.com using free images from Canva.
  • Original text in Spanish, translated into English with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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