The Fallen Tree, a post for those who grieve

Flash's stream 2014.jpg

While walking in the woods one day,
I came upon a fallen tree.
It was across the flow of a stream,
Making a bridge for me.

Then I thought that this was true,
When one door closes, another opens for you.
We needn’t lament the end of a thing;
That change will soon be come.

An end is just a new beginning, and
Change will follow the sun.
Life moves on; the seasons change,
Time will not stand still.

The world turns as it must,
But not as we will

Stream II.jpg

“Fallen Tree”

a Sonnet

Jerry E Smith
Original image, taken with a VLUU L200/Samsung L200
As you can see I wrote this in 2015, I had forgotten about it.
It came up in my memories today, and I reworked it with an original image.

I am posting it here, now, because the Hive recently lost @erikasue and tragically so. Her sister @pinkchic wrote and it was shared here in the memorial forest.


Also, my friend @thekittygirl lost her cat Midnight.


So for all that have lost someone, this is meant to be of some comfort.



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