Social Media and I


With the invention of social media, a lot has been made easier for us. You don't need to step out to learn a skill when you can do that on YouTube and with other websites. Of course, there are still some skills that need you to learn offline while getting more knowledge about them online to level up your experience on them. Social media has brought entertainment and education to me and I am so lucky to be in this generation where lots of things have been easier for everyone.

We know the joy social media has brought to a lot of people who take out time to utilise it for their betterment and improvement, likewise how it has become a sad thing for most people who choose to use it the other way. Many people have fallen victim to being scammed and ruined on social media and it takes a lot of patience to learn how things work in the online world.

It's such a pity that a lot of people do not yet know how beneficial social media has become in our lives that they choose to apply it in the wrong way just to satisfy their selfish desires. Many people now chase the "get rich quick scheme" that they have destroyed lives in the process and have become tools in the hands of the devil in using it as a way to damage other people's properties.

With the way some people have allowed themselves to be oppressed by what they see online, it makes them desperate to want to live such a lifestyle not taking time to get more information. One thing about social media is that you only see what they show to you while hiding the rest from you and because you have seen the first side, you conclude that is something you want.

For instance, an individual who always flaunts their pictures of living a happy life but in reality, it is just for the show and paparazzi not knowing what they are going through, some have resorted to living a fake life and because you see the happy side of things, you believe everything they bring to you is real. This has caused lots of young children to go astray all in the name of flaunting and oppressing each other when they could take the time to learn something useful for their lives.


Not everyone wants to go through the slow process of making it in life, they want immediate gratification instead of the long-term benefits. Lives have been claimed by death because of this and some would still not learn their lessons.

When it comes to learning to improve myself, social media has always helped me in that regard. I don't waste a day without learning something new online and being curious to know how to apply some things I have learnt to my life. I have interacted with lots of people online and in the process gained lots of things. With social media, I get answers to my questions and the ones I get confused with, there are places I can visit like YouTube, Pinterest, Google etc.

Instead of using social media in the wrong way, I choose to navigate through it to make me grow and become someone better. Thanks to monetization being incorporated with different platforms as I choose to spend my time making money. When I am bored and need something to keep me lively, I go to Netflix to watch movies, Spotify to listen to music, YouTube to feed my eyes with educational content, Pinterest to help me learn something and so on.


One thing I have avoided with social media is being oppressed by other people's lifestyles to the extent that it deprives me of my happiness. I value my time seeing things that add meaning to my life and not the wrong ones. I try not to be moved by things I see online because I know that not all that glitters are gold. Most people are living fake lives and not everyone will give you 100% details of the happenings in their lives.

There are things I see online, if they are worth practising, I do and if not, I swipe to the next page instead of dwelling much on them thereby wasting my time.

We have our choices to make, whether to let social media affect us positively or negatively. We either go for content that is enriching or find those whose business is to make others depressed and want to start questioning their existence. That's most people's business for you as they spend lots of hours each day to make sure they achieve their aim of bringing down some people and keeping them glued in an imaginary world.

I discard what doesn't make me productive while focusing on good content to keep me positive throughout the day. Social media can take away one's happiness if you aren't careful but just like I said, we have our choices.

This post was inspired by the #inleo community and this is my entry for Day 11 of the September Inleo Initiative

All images gotten from pixabay:1 || 2 || 3

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