How I began to like podcasts.

Interestingly, listening to a podcasts is actually a good way for me to delve deeper into some mind blowing topics that catch my interests.

Except when I have an exam, I am not the type to sit down and listen to somebody talk about anything. I saw it as a waste of time because I have lots of songs to listening to. I am not done with the music album in my boomplay, so why should I seat and listen to people discuss?

As unbelievable as it sounds, something actually changed me, and I, who didn't like podcasts, began to like it. Gradually.

Initially a person that has no interests in podcasts, I found my self delving deeper into listening to podcasts.
I never knew these times will ever come, but then, I am enjoying every single minute I spend while listening to "people discuss."

The podcast that entering into my ears currently, is titled; The subtle art of not giving a f*ck by Mark Manson.


Its actually an interesting one, as it touches many aspects of life. Not excluding, Addiction, motivation, social media, and many other things.

Oblivious to the fact that podcast can be very helpful for personal growth and development, I got my adrenaline pumped when read a post by Olujay. Jay's favourite podcasts
A very interesting read as he wrote explicitly about podcasts.
Listing many podcasts he's listened to in his post, I got interested in the subtle art of not giving a f*ck by Mark Manson.

After I read that post, my boomplay became useless, as I went to get spotify. Initially skeptical though.

My hesitation vanished when I listened to the captivating intro. Mark's really good.

Once skeptical, I have been listening to this podcasts back to back. Even, as at the time of writing this post, I'm currently listening to the podcast. I just saw that he dropped another episode yesterday, titled; "5 ways to be self disciplined without making yourself miserable."


I don't have a set time, or a particular place to listen to podcasts. Thanks to my earpod, I can be walking on the road, or be in a transit, and be listening to the podcast.

In the podcast, Mark went a great length to invite many people, including an astronaut, to talk discuss the topic with.

Two points that stood out for me are;

The things you give a f*ck about, should be worth it. Not everyone or everything deserves it.

There are two types of dopamine. Cheap dopamine and hard earned dopamine. Cheap dopamine which comes from spending your time, scrolling through social media videos, and hard earned dopamine which comes from accomplishments.

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