Smokey mushroom rice tart

If you are hungry skip this post, I am not responsible for instant hunger attack!

Back on huge fresh market I missed so much, no matter we could produce seasonally food last year still we were missing bigger offer of mushrooms, limitation to sometimes stale store bought cellophane wrapped was leaving us empty handed.

Price per kilo = 2.55€

...we enjoyed the various varieties generously throughout the whole week, for breakfast, lunch...ah, when we are about lunch here comes one yummy shroomie meal idea.

leek (half a stick) finely chopped, half an onion also finely chopped,
one large grated carrot, fresh parsley, about 300 g of small mushrooms and one thick smoked (or not) sliced sausage
(my delight when I saw the sorted mushrooms on the counter, depending on how you plan the preparation - in the case of stuffed version, of course, I'll look for big shroomie chunks, no one want's to be bothered with tiny nothing fits in)

2 cups of rice, one whole egg, 2 spoons of sour cream, 200 ml milk, salt, pepper and some more fresh parsley - missed that fresh taste.

Boil rice with pinch of salt and few drops of oil, onions and grated carrot are going to the pan until they nicely melt together and turn into sauce, add sliced sausage and shroomies - simmer slowly on medium heat. Rice should be done al dente, as all together goes into oven for final touch. Drain done rice, let it cool a bit, season it to taste and add chopped parsley with few more oil drops.

In addition to other meals such as an omelets with mushrooms, classically roasted in its own juice and salt or sautéed with onions only as side dish, we were often talking about tarts, but I was not in the mood to deal with the dough. Faster and easier was to make the 'fake' version and use simple boiled rice which is sticky enough to play the crust.

All you have to take care off is good oiled baking dish and proper hand squeeze while forming.

Looking drooling good scattered over rice crust!

Season a bit more if needed and bake shortly in previously preheated oven until the crust edges turns light brown. Meanwhile, whisk whole egg, with sour cream add salt, pepper and milk, keep whisking until egg and cream entirely dissolves and slight foam appears.

Pull out rice tart and pour over creamy sourly topping.
Sprinkle more of chopped parsley, yes more and more
(I have a whole bouquet). At this point you can turn off the oven and let everything to simmer everything.

Make a crunchy green salad seasoned with lemon/pepper/oil dressing, small amount of acid will follow the marvelous taste of this mid greasy dish.

(entire prep doesn't requires lot's of oil as sausage juices also counts and tastes great!)


Aren't they adorable?

Rice tart got high rates, on it's first try.
What should be considered is thicker crust, more rice or smaller baking tray diameter (couldn't cut it like tart, my own complaint), other side of the table was munching constantly without a care about the shapes and forms, and that sight was inviting enough to join in.

Traces of the remains were not recorded to testify.

my yummy contribution to @ewkaw -s #fungifriday

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