Happy Cinqo de Mayo, Mexico & a special birthday :)


The Fifth of May is not Mexican Independence Day (which falls on the 16th of September), although it is celebrated that way in the USA. So, despite the fact that day might seem like a celebration of all things Mexican (at least, stateside) in Mexico, it marks a specific victory, during the Battle of Puebla in 1862, where outnumbered Mexicans beat the French army.

Today, is also the birthday of one of the few philosophers that marked me as an impressionable teenager/ poet-in-the-making whom I still return to for sustenance and inspiration, Søren Kierkegaard.

[Religiously], one does not proceed from the simple in order then to become interesting, witty, profound, a poet, a philosopher.
No, it is just the opposite; here one begins and then becomes more and more simple.

Happy Birthday, Great Dane (1813-1855)🙏🏼✨

For those who might be interested in learning more about this profound thinker, here is a short introduction to his work:

Free to use photo by Genaro Servín from Pexels:

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