Crumby Sandwiches in 🇦🇷


It was the sweet sixteen party for someone special and these sandwiches are a crowd pleaser - so many options!

She arrived and got hit with surprise birthday presents. See the squishy kitty light screenshot below. . .

On to the sandwiches. Why are they so crumby?

They are actually quite good. It is the name and mass production of them that is a cultural phenomenon here in South America.


These are called "Miga Sandwiches", which begs the question, "What does the word miga mean anyway?" Miga = Crumb, as my title suggests.

birthday shot

When this pile is finished, there will nothing there but a bunch of migas.

The sandwiches are more middle-oriented that crumby, but I guess the middle leaves more crumbs that the crust. I don't know. My mom never cut the crust off of my sandwiches when I was in school, so I just learned to eat the crust. But here, they sell these by the dozen and they come in so many varieties; ham and cheese, egg salad, olives, lettuce & tomato, and on and on.

I am pretty sure they don't have these in North America, unless a particular deli has decided to mommify normal white bread sandwiches. I have eaten these so many times since moving here but it never dawned on me to tell the world about them - until now.


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