The stage of relationship that never ends.

Over 89% of people all over the world have experienced loss or emotional breakdown from one person or the other and have also in one way hurt other people. When you hurt someone, they either chose to stay with you or put you out of there lives. There’s this state of relationship between man that even anytime you hurt them, you feel you both are now enemies. But that’s not true. The fact is; “they still love you and want to see you eat but not eat on the same table with them”. This point you are just been waited upon to realize your mistakes and correct them. It in human nature to hurt people, you can never satisfy man trust me.

So, there are three relationships that always ends no matter the case but one would never end but remain forever;


Looking at the last three words in #FRIEND it ended with the words #END, but the word #FAMILY didn't. Relationships are the best things that man can ever ask for but when you give more to those two that has the ends with the word “END”; it really f**ks with your emotions and it takes some people years to recover.

Image Source: Depositphotos.

Your family doesn’t necessarily mean your blood linage, it could be your business partner, someone from the park or people you meet in school, your neighborhood or even does who lookout for you and always stand up during your crises. Having a family is one bund that can never be broken. The limit it can get to is giving spaces to rebound again. Because having a set of people you call your family is your wealth in life not the amount of cars you have or houses you own but #FAMILY is the wealth.

Within yourself you know the people worthy to be called your family not because of what they have given you materially but the act of #Selflessness relation towards you.

Note: There are few people who always care about you and are ready to be there for you when ever you fall; know them, cherish them, and give them the love of been a family to you.

Thank you #POB FAMILY.

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