Can't believe it's lockdown season already! I still have my climate change decorations up 😜

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Winter is for covid.

Summer is for climate change.

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It doesn't matter the season. Fear is the order of the day.

And yes, it's all your fault you naughty people. Please freeze your arses off this winter and stand in line ready for your next jab.

I couldn't help myself with this little joke. Just had to post it when I saw it here. It had been many months since I last checked on what was happening in the world and no big surprise nothing much has changed as we enter now into our 4th covid winter season in which seasonal flu will disappear, while the covid numbers will be 'shocking' and the restrictions will be 'necessary'.

Worth reminding ourselves that having a bit of a laugh from time to time is very important in this ever-so-serious world ;)

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I made this meme using midjourney & gimp. And as always, my prompts are available on request.

Stay happy everyone 🌱

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