POBPhotocontest - Travel To Kamakura

(This photo is my entry.)

Kamakura is a city Southwest of Tokyo that sits on the coast. At one time it was the seat of power in Japan when the Shogunate ruled during the Kamakura Jidai(1185 -1333). Now it's a famous tourist town known for it's many historical shrines and temples, most famously the Diabatsu(giant Buddha statue).

While walking around Kamakura a few months back I took some time to take in the scenery other than the shrines and temples. I came across an old building with the words "The Bank" written on it.

I guess it could have been a bank when it was built. It was very reminiscent of old American buildings from the turn of the century.

It stood out from the other buildings around it and it had added character being build on a corner where the road splits in two.

Moving along down the road I caught these stools someone was selling for about $30.

Creativity is off the charts in Japan. I guess it has to be in order to be competitive.

An old water pump next to the sidewalk.

I don't recall why I took a picture of these shops, but I did.

This is a small mall on the street the Daibutsu is on. It's Okinawa style in Kamamura.

On the same street is a little gem and mineral shop I always like to step into.

Hase station, again on the street the Daibutsu is on.

And finally the Daibutsu.

Kamakura is a wonderful place to visit. I didn't go into the various temples and shrines I visited in this post, but I will in a later one.

Oh, I forgot to add the Kamakura Shogun Colonel Sanders.

All pictures taken with my Iphone 11.

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