Beyond WormWorld: The Eternal HR Woman - Chapter 9 Digital Abstractions

I stare in violent disgust at the world. My heart in distress unable to express.

I'm looking for a new beginning, an escape from the endless void. A phantom of the past. Did we expect it to end this way?

Sometimes you feel like it is all leading to something. Everyone wants to believe that their life has a meaning, a teleology. Imagine it.

Imagine being sold a lie that ruined society.

Imagine believing the lie as meaning.

Meaning making mechanisms hijacked by the code. Algorithmic control.

To have eyes but not to see...

I have no keyboard but I must type.

The biggest mistake of the 21st century was the lies we told ourselves. We couldn't admit that Niggers existed. And so innocents had to die. Anyone could be a Nigger. The word described a set of characteristics in a person: violent, high-time preference, honour culture coupled with heightened perception of slights, etc.
I could describe the characteristics of a Nigger in great detail down to the most minute differential aspects of the Nigger psychology. But I will not. I know a Nigger when I see one.

A Nigger is a Nigger is a Nigger.

Never before in the english language has the word Nigger been so aptly described.

We all knew this, but we couldn't bring ourselves to admit the truth. Genetics and culture played a role and that was unspeakable to the progressive whom had made believe that we were all the same. The universal man. The mass manufactured man. The biodegradeable citizens. A Whigian world view. Progress was progress and progress was good, anything yesterday was bad, and now was always perfect.

When man was supposedly equal we could no longer admit the truth. Reality of inequality was forbidden.
Certain groups had a much higher percentage of Niggers in their population. The word Nigger came from the word Negro (black), as this population had a higher propensity to produce Niggers (Source: Crime Statistics). This could be reliably observed across time, geographical locations, and even continents. The genetics created a biology, which had a chemistry that preferred certain environments which molded culture, and culture equipped the population with psycho-technologies that modulated their genetics as well as their behaviours.
Our culture not only couldn't admit that Niggers existed, but it also at the same time proactively encouraged Nigger behaviour. If we were all behaving like revolting Niggers then we would all be equal.

When it came to mass-immigration it became apparent which other groups had a high propensity to producing Niggers. Many of these were what is known as Sand Niggers. They came from Islamic cultures, and that coupled with their genetics, led to beheadings and other barbaric things. These things that did not exist before quickly became 'part and parcel' of modern living. You were Far Right if you expressed any discontent.

Eventually when it became convenient Islam was purged and more Africans were brought in.

We could have been exploring the stars, but instead we gave it all up. We allowed "Access to White People" to become a human right, and that just meant them draining us via gibs until everything fell apart and all that was left was our prisons. Prisons created to control the unruly foreigners eventually used on everyone.

Memes control history. The dominant memes lives on. That is why they made it illegal to possess memes.

I could see it all, how everything worked, connected history, etc all of it. All the ideology, the possession by ideas. The true enemy existed somewhere in-between where genetics, biology, and chemistry met ideas, culture, and religion. Somewhere God was watching, laughing. If only I could figure out what the joke was.

Civilization was a boat, and tradition was the anchor that kept us safe in tempest sea.


When you don't suffer from the consequences of reality....
When you view the world through an ideological lens you become further and further removed from the truth.

Wormworld... this tiny globalized homogenized world.

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Lost to the 3rd world, like tears in the rain...


Those who think they can see its truth, and control the truth, have been drawn into its illusion, believing they are the only one able to arrive at the truth. Molding narrative in the foam. Trapped in Cartesian duality. Blinded by bifurcation. A presupposition of a dead world made up of dead atoms.

It was inevitable the proliferation of data through society and the schizophrenia that it would bring. Any data point to match any supposition or narrative. Total system control was inevitable. Consensus was irrelevant when everything was reduced to digital abstractions.

Building blocks of reality. A bridge that cannot be crossed. Not the unliving matter but temporal events!
Our understanding trapped in the scientific worldview. We, the mass produced quantitative man, lack the descriptive values and hierarchies. A missing metaphysical sub-architecture. And that was key.
All our ideas, products which we receive from our senses translated via a biological-memenome complex. Products of a time, a place, a people, and what makes us.
But I could see it. I wrote the sub-architecture. And thus I could break the rules that didn't event exist. Atoms born from dust. Deus ex >Meme///.

Imagination and memory are but one thing. Truth which becomes memory, and memory which becomes fiction.

Could we use the tools that chained us to analyse and overcome the unintended consequences of our technological comfort? Could we find Salvation in a Deus Ex Machina? Could we learn to love?

I was lost in thought.

"You don't know what love means" the angel spoke, tugging at my coat.

I looked down at the homeless redhead child.

"What?" I questioned, trying my best to not interact.

Suddenly without warning she was pushed to the ground.

"That's my dad!" Lil' Nig screamed.

I left her cold, on the ground, as I took Lil' Nig away.

I felt like the villain. But I could do nothing against the 2027 Irish act. Lil' Nig had broken into my house last night, and as an unaccompanied child, I became his carer. It was all too convenient. The system must have been on to me, and thrown Lil' Nig my way to act as a spanner thrown into my works.
I felt eternally hateful towards the men that had sold our world. Our own countrymen sold us out for 31 pieces of silver. And here we were. A hell of our own making.

"You don't know what love means" she said, and maybe I didn't. I didn't even know what was real. Since seeing those spotlights above the city I keep questioning everything. I've been uprooted from one unreality and transplanted onto another.

Who am I? What's my motivation?

I knew who I was, and I knew my motivation was to escape WormWorld because I had to know what was Beyond WormWorld.
The Eternal HR Woman... that was something else... an existential chagrin, an ennui of the soul. A great pulling and dividing, a quantification of multiplications and additions. Something approaching infinite... but I just couldn't put my finger on it. I didn't have the vocabulary. I was a sword without sheath.


We walked off away from the homeless native child. Lil' Nig was my child now. I had to make sure no one was around when I said his name, lest it be construed as a hate crime.

"Why were black so violent? It was the buttworms yo! I mean now everyone commits the same level of violence!" Lil' Nig regurgitated state propaganda, casually ignoring current crime statistics as they no longer existed to the public.

I didn't need crime statistics for my pattern recognition to relay to me information about reality.

I gave Lil' Nig a dubious look.

"Ain't you been to skool?" Lil' Nig scolded.

It was 2029. Year of the Worm... The year when it all changed. The release of the new food vaccine... and the truth that emerged... The vaccines were supposed to be useless products that did nothing, some people would have a bad reaction and maybe die, but other than that it was a big part of the economy; something that the algorithm could not shut down because it was part of the algorithm. This food vaccine accidentally worked at killing all parasitic infections. The vaccine killed the worms and caused a violent reaction in the infected hosts who found out about it before consuming the food vaccine. Most of them were caught, but some went into hiding and escaped into the wild to scavenge... I'll never forget that day... or the fact that our entire world is built upon artificial intelligence trained on data from a parasitically infected population. The parasites were gone, but they lived on as meta-data. They still controlled us. Ghosts in the machine.

We couldn't shake them. The worms lived on. And now in WormWorld giant mutant worms patrolled the desert wastelands.

Anyway, the worms had nothing to do with black violence.

"Sounds like you got it all figured out, what's your secret?" I sarcastically asked Lil' Nig.

"I just stretch out my hand until I reach my goals" Lil' Nig responded.

Maybe Lil' Nig was onto something.

I had only spent a morning with the kid, but I had already got a good feel of him. Lil' Nig's wisdom comprised mostly of pre-scripted state propaganda and one sided 20th century moral arguments against the dead. It was always easy to maintain moral supremacy over those who could not speak back.

"Move your dry ass whitey!" Lil' Nig chastised me.

We were on our way to Bel-Air. Lil' Nig had to pick up his boombox and other essentials. It was going to be tough raising an African child as a single parent, but I had no choice. The algorithmic state had chosen for me.

"Wow Wow Wow! This is a dead end!" I informed Lil' Nig who was leading the way.

"We taking a shortcut" Lil' Nig said as he climbed through a small gap in the fence "Come on jackass! You're supposed to be looking after me! What if I fall and cut myself or some shiiiiieeet?""

I looked at the restricted sign on the fence.

"This area is restricted... it cuts right though the MAP zone" I sheepishly explained.

"OHHHH SHIIIIEEEETT!" Lil' Nig burst out laughing "You never take a shortcut before? Are you an independent or some other stupid shiiiieeeeyt?"

I looked around... there were no cameras... no one watching. This wasn't normal///. What was special about this area?

"Lil' Nig!" I shouted loudly, expecting to be immediately reprimanded by the Eternal Hr Woman.

Lil' Nig looked at me/. I looked around. Nothing... Zilcho.... I shouldn't be able to shout something like that anywhere... but this wasn't anywhere, this was a Dead Zone.

I entered into the restricted area/. I had no choice in the matter/. Lil' Nig was my responsibility and I was not allowed to say no. I was shaken enough with the prospect of going to Bel-Air, but taking a shortcut through MAP territory was...

"Why can't we take the shuttle?" I pointlessly asked Lil' Nig for the fifth time today.

"I wanna walk, you don't like walking?" he replied for the fifth time.

Lil' Nig reassured me he took this route all the time. The Dead Zone seemed to last all the way through the fence, down a wooded path, and past a large Elizabethan Mansion.

I could see cameras in the distance.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"Sssshhhh! And get down yo! You gonna be seen!" Lil' Nig scolded as he crouched "This is the MAP Mansion. We shouldn't be here yo! So you better be quiet! I ain't getting caught again!"

We left the wooded area and approached the mansion. The horrors that awaited...

Just another day in WormWorld/...

# To Be Continued...

Chapter 1 No Money, No Job, No Life
Chapter 2 Schwarzwald
Chapter 3 Apocalyptic Stare
Chapter 4 Digital Marionettes
Chapter 5 Biodegradable Citizen
Chapter 6 Digitized Truths
Chapter 7 A Simile of a Facsimile
Chapter 8 Bad Badinage

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