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🥅 My HIVE Goals Progress (6)🥅

It's about a month since the last ​update on my hive goals. One goal I set was to type out my goal progress as to help keep me motivated and its been working. To read past "My Goals" posts click Part 1 / Part 2/Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5

My HIVE Progress

This week I managed to hit the 5,000 HIVE POWER mark I set as an intermediate goal. Now I have my eyes set on 7,500 and it would be great if I can hit that number by the end of the year. My main goal is to reach 10,000 Hive Power and then reasses from there. Once I do hit that 10,000 mark its likely I'll keep stacking and staking Hive.

SPT To One Million

My SPT growth has mainly come from what I earn with my blog posts. I did try my hand at trading but it seems as that is not my strong suit so I'll get to one million tokens one passive SPT at a time. Currently I'm at 725,000* SPT so just about 73% of the way there. SPT is the official blog token of Splinterlands.

My POB Progress

My POB progress has slowed down. I tried my hand at trading but my sold for price is too close to the current buy price. I'll keep an eye on the market and if the price dips I'll rebuy back in. Once I reach my one million SPT goal POB will be one of two tokens I intend on concentrating on next. This is when I'll likely purchase some directly from market if prices are juicey enough. 300 more POB has been converted to POB Power.

My Leo Tribe Progress

My Leo progress has been slow but picked up from previous months. I been posting more finance related topics directly from LEO and that has helped with my LEO progress. I posted a topic from the LEO frontend yesterday and for some reason the tags I entered didn't stay linked. I'm sure it was an error on my end but to be on the side of caution I'll wait a day or two before giving it another go. I have to come up with a decent post idea before posting so those days will allow me to do just that.

Learning About New Tribes

The MEME Tribe was born. The last new tribe I learned about was the MEME Tribe. Its Tribe site has officially launced and they have a community here on the Hive Network. Link-->


Over-all I'm satisfied with my progress over the past month and I look forward to completing my goals this month. I'm still kicking myself in the ass for not reaching One Million SPT sooner but as they say, better late then never. Stats below do not include my HIVE holdings on Hive-Engine as that amount is constantly fluctuating.

CurrencyLast Update Total StakeCurrent Total Stake

What are your HIVE Network Goals??? What are you doing to accomplish them???? Let me know in the comment section below.

What is Splinterlands?

Splinterlands is a digital card game created by @aggroed and @yabapmatt. Game play that utilizes in game NFTs is ongoing and has prizes being offered in which have real monetary value. You can get started with investing in or playing Splinterlands by clicking here. Read all about the recent SPS airdrop announcement via clicking HERE

Total Splinterlands Market Cap: $202,389,279