Crafty Pallet Bench

My mother-in-law is crafty! No, I don't mean like that! I mean she is really good with arts and crafts! (Disclaimer: I really do genuinely love my mother-in-law 😉)

In particular, she loves to mosaic things. All things, from pots to wheelbarrows. Her creations are all over the garden and they are simply lovely! When I read this week's prompt for the Proof of Brain photo contest, I immediately thought of one thing in particular. The Crafty Pallet Bench!


This garden bench was created using recycled wooden pallets. My mother-in-law then painted it and did some mosaic detailing, to create a truly unique and beautiful addition to the garden.

As you can see, the bench has been there for a few years and weathered a number of conditions that pallet wood is definitely not designed to withstand. When I asked her if she is not concerned her creation will eventually crumble away completely, her answer made me smile.

"No, the weathering helps give it character. And if it does eventually crumble away, I'll have an excuse to make something new."

Food for thought!
What we go through is part of who we are! And sometimes we cling so hard to the old, that we don't see it as an opportunity to let go and make space for something new. And not to mention the wonderful experience that comes with creating something new and beautiful.

I simply love the idea behind this bench, as these pallets could very well have ended up on a trash heap somewhere. Instead, they were recycled and beautified. Now they get to serve as a lovely spot to enjoy the sunlight for several more years. Not to mention the joy they brought in the creative process.


Mosaic is a little like making your own puzzle and puzzle pieces. And then putting all those tiny parts together to create something new and beautiful. And yes, this process does sometimes involve breaking tiles apart. More food for thought. Sometimes you have to break something apart, so you can create something even more beautiful from those pieces.


So next time you are feeling broken up, remember that! Put yourself back together in an even more beautiful way than before! And remember, weathering life's storms helps give you character!

This is my entry for the Proof of Brain Photo Contest - FURNITURE, which is hosted by @friendlymoose. The rules and other entries can be found here.

Thank you for stopping by and reading my musings on life and crafting!

Credits and Thanks:

  • Today's ramblings were inspired by @clairemobey and my mother-in-law.
  • My mother-in-law for creating such an awesome piece of garden furniture.
  • All photos taken by myself.
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