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The Faceless Dog Of Egypt: part 1

THE SPHINX AND THE HAT image for short story

That looks like an owl to Me sir or is the story going to be the symbolism of what the owl represents in part?

Example Title:

Wisdom take man and his homeland with him in search of (fill in the blank)

Example Headline:

Hivewatchers takes pale faced man on a tour to the beach. Will they drown him and his home in the ocean or be fed for dinner to the hungry little owls at the nest and why is the owl taking a beach vacation?

Go give that guy some support at the link above. It did help spark a flame into creating this post.

Need a custom pob line break... anyone? Will pay 5 pob. Something that includes the pineal gland with pob promotion. would really appreciate it.

The Famous Sphinx of Egypt

Have you ever wondered what was beneath the hat of the Sphinx?

What if I told you that the Sphinx that we know today is actually a re-carved image of the instinct Egyptian Jackal Dog?

Well this is what this article I just read after searching the title of the above picture came up with using presearch.

And This is the article that claims that the Sphinx was actually an island on a lake.

What Was The Sphinx And What Is Wrong With Its Body And Head?

Let me say a few things about the Sphinx first because this could be important to know for future publications I have plans for. Those future publications will cover History, Religion/cults, mythology, our solar system and the relationship between our sun journey through the twelve major constellations.

I have been holding back to much that I feel a dammed over stream of information is about to blow out of my mind. I just have to let it out and let it refill this empty lake bed.

I am adding the book mentioned within the link to my "must get hard copy book" list.

I always try to search for a pirated free pdf version but I can't find this one this time. Purchase the book, it supports the author. that's a noble cause in these crapitalist times.

"Robert and Emilia Temple: The Sphinx Mystery and the Forgotten Origins of the Sanctuary of Anubis"


So the Sphinx despite it now being an island in a dried up lake bed, lays pointing its chest towards the east. This "Jackal" dog watches the sunrise with precision. Not only does it watch the sun but it points towards the constellations. Marking the age we are living in.

You see this Jackal was more than just some ornament to attract tourist to awe at. It was a tool to mark the celestial seasonings. It was literally a calendar tool apart from being a representation of leo and virgo as some claim it to be.

It is common knowledge that the Sun goes through a path, from Earth's perspective, through the constellations. It's also a fact that ancient civilizations used this star to map out their calenders and relied on them extensively for various reasons. Mostly for agriculture means.

You see, back then, most farmers had to rely on these stars to know when to reap rewards for their labor or else get caught with their pants in a bunch for a mistake that could cost them their lives.

We must admit, our ancestors had really harder times than what we are going through today. But we are heading down that same path I fear.

Slowly I see it happening but with deadly consistency. More and more people as each new generation forms who are more subjected to being "ill-literates". Meaning, their grade of reading is being reduced at a massive scale and no thanks to these illegitimate businesses called fraudulent "government" indoctrination centers public schools. (Yes even I was subjected to this so i beg my readers to always question EVERYTHING. Thank the cosmos I did not pay too much attention)

Just like what is happening today, is nothing short but a repeat of what has happened over and over again throughout human history. Which Is why to we .ust travel to the past to this "apocalupsis" as to be of the utmost importance to figuring out what's to come and what we can do together to survive our impending doom.

So what does this Jackal have to do with it all?

That's a really good question. So glad you asked.

The truth is I don't really know. Just found it really interesting.

It is interesting to me because of how much thought went into this mega structure. Just so they can keep track of our celestial calendar.

Why did our ancestors build this? What was it used for? What did they find out? etc

I still continue to find out more and more that I know less of what I thought I knew.

A truly wonderful experience to finding out we know nothing.

Jackal and Hide my Face

What hasn't been laid clear to me is to why go through so much trouble to remove the original design of the Egyptian Sphinx.

It may have been a political move or maybe one of the ears just fell off? So the ruling tyrant at the time decided to just "modify" it?

Is the face of this sculpture really at all important?

What was so important about the symbol of a Jackal to ancient Egyptians?

Hello and thank you for stopping by at my post today.

Bit by bit I will be showing you all this journey I have gone through but first, we must understand a huge number of things to ease you into the bigger picture of what I have been observing since the dawn of my awakened soul.

I will show, the true meaning of the symbolism that are hidden in plain sight one by one.

In no way is these posts meant to discredit anyone but to discredit disinformation and pass on real knowledge. Or better yet said, Gnosis.

In no way are any of my posts going to promote religion but more so in finding out what every religion has in common.

I won't be posting daily as these coming posts take time to organize the mass mess of notes I have piled up over the years. I may even retrace to cover over a new finding.

I encourage any existing gnostic student to do the same and just post what you gnow. Who knows it might get featured in my posts.

How long these posts may be will vary. Some might be very long covering only one thing. some may be as short as 500 words or phrases. It all really depends on how much of the information I have here is considered valuable to me to share. What I mean by that is that my time is limited and I have a great debt over my shoulders to spill the beans here.

The topics I will be covering will vary from DMT experiences, lectures from Terrence M, Alan Watts and many others, Solar mythology, mysticism, symbolism, Science, Arts, Mathematical findings, Astrology, Astronomy, Some morning sun news to go with your coffee during your breakfast at work, Some funny memz, Breaking down the legalese language and much more.

It's my life's work. and I want to share it with you all. I hope I live long enough to show you it all so.....

Let's get started...

Ah... the difficult art of beginning...

Little bit about myself

I remember not ever being born. I don't remember what name I was born with but I have been told three names to be mine and as I grew up accepting this as my own, I naively fell into what I say is the first trap of being enslaved, which is accepting a name.

I am the nameless but you may call me the ancient one. Or... pinkeye is fine... ;P

"Pinkeye" Is the phrase I heard in my first ever astral experience. It literally scared me back to my body but into what some may call "sleep parálisis". To my perspective I was frozen in the first light just above my body.

I felt something heavy in the room with me, trying to suck my soul energy away from me. Something sinister. Something that still haunts me from time to time, calling me back to that same place. Out of everything I have traveled through, this was the only place I dared not go back to, but I know that is a pipe dream because I know i have to reface this monster to once and for all defeat and get rid this evil.

I have had multiple encounters with his minions and defeated them each as they come. Some have left me scarred but hey, Chicks dig scars I heard...? lol.


Please feel free to add context or reply in your own post and tag my posts for response. I may not be a whale (technically everyone is a minnow in the big leagues, henceforth there are no whales here, ahh the baby that is Hive... lol) but I and the community that appreciates truth seekers will be there to back you up.


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